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    Sunday, January 12, 2020

    Command & Conquer OMG! He has POWER!

    Command & Conquer OMG! He has POWER!

    OMG! He has POWER!

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 05:49 AM PST

    My 7yr son has a Raspberry pi and we are trying to download the original from CnCnet and we can get it to work. Is anyone able to help a computer illiterate father?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 11:28 AM PST

    Anytime we click to download and play it opens a small launch window(?) Asking which application to run it from but doesn't give us options.

    Now it just repeats opening the launch.

    submitted by /u/lucyliuflu
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    Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge - Funny 3v3 Game Feat. BRYAN VAHEY

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:37 AM PST

    CNC Europe, Mission 5

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 09:11 AM PST

    Hi everyone, I'm back after a longer-than-expected hiatus. But I'm back with Mission 5 of my idea for CNC Europe's campaign that never was. To quickly summarize, CNC Europe is a Zero Hour mod that adds a new faction, the European Rapid Reaction Force. The mod is finished and playable, and they planned on a single player campaign which would take place after the events of Zero Hour, but the campaign was never finished.

    Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fx9LAIZL-3c

    The previous four missions for review: Mission 1 with links for game info, Mission 2, Mission 3, Mission 4

    Operation: Bach

    Location: Staatz, Austria

    Leftennant Eva: General, while the bulk of our forces are holding off the Chinese at Linz, we have been ordered to open a second front and push towards Vienna from the North. You are to secure the village of Staatz and the surrounding roads. Intelligence reports that the Chinese forces in this area are under the command of General Ta Hun Kwai, known for his advanced armor tactics. General Stein has again granted you the use of the Leopard IV tank for this mission.

    Opening Cinematic: Sun rising over flat farmland divided by tree lines. Recon infantry slowly advance. Tank bunkers and gattling emplacements in sight. Column of Leopard IV tanks and Warrior IFVs coming up the rear.

    French accent: Enemy position acquired.

    Polish accent: Stay on your toes.

    A listening outpost appears adjacent to the recon infantry.

    German accent: Mobile outpost! They know we're here!

    Tank Hunters appear and shoot at the armored column. They bounce off the EFF. Warriors kill off the tank hunters and the listening outpost.

    Alarm goes off at the Chinese Outpost on Staatz Hill

    General Kwai: That's it! Time to unleash the war machine!

    Columns of Battlemasters and Emperor Overlords advance from the village.

    The player screen loads with a few tanks at the player's base, along with recon infantry and an NH90. You'll have to make your way across this open, largely flat battlefield that's made up mostly of farmland divided by lines of trees.


    Okay so right off the bat, this mission is meant to be a tank battle. I chose Staatz because it's in the middle of open country, yet with one rocky hill with a castle on top. The landscape is mostly flat fields divided by treeline. Just look at Staatz on google maps and check out the drone photos on streetview. It's perfect tank country. And with the Leopard IV on your side going up against Kwai's Emperor Overlord, this mission is going to be a clash of the titans.


    One way for Europe to gather lots and lots of supplies is to get a war reporter near an enemy building, and then it will bring in $200 every few seconds.

    The first enemy defenses are a series of bunkers loaded with tank hunters. This shouldn't be a problem for the Leopard IV. Remember the Leopard IV from Mission 1? Yeah, because of the EFF, RPGs bounce right off. But they cost $3,500 and that makes them the most expensive unit of any faction. These bunkers are also protected by ECM tanks, which can disable the Leopard IV and its EFF. Another key unit in this mission will be the Igel IWS-2. The Igel fires a long-range chemical laser that ignites a tank's ammunition and destroys it quickly. But if it's used too much, it will explode. It's also very poorly armored. The PZH-2000 can also take out the ECM's as long as they sit still.

    Kwai: My Armor will crush your pathetic forces!

    Kwai will be sending tanks at you in large groups – battlemasters and emperor overlords, all with ECM's by their side. Massed battlemasters with the autoloader upgrade can be a match for Leopard IVs, and in a one-on-one between a Leopard IV and an emperor overlord, essentially the first one to shoot will win. But if you really want to micro your tanks, you can take advantage of the Leopard IV's faster turret rotation.

    A strike force of Leopard IV's will need support units like the Igel, the Warrior IFV (with recon infantry) and the Keystone ADS – with its very long sight range and defenses against Helix attacks. A few Tiger helicopters can't hurt either.

    Your first objective will be the train station in the middle of the map, because there's a repair bay there. One thing you'll notice about the European faction is that it has no field repair capability for non-veteran units outside of the general's ability. Whether this was an oversight on the developers' part or deliberate to force a defensive gameplay style I don't know. But this is an offense mission, so you're going to want to take that repair bay, and you'll want to hold it. More enemy tanks will be on their way.

    Polish accent: Another wave is approaching. Western flank.

    German accent: Break their formation!

    Players who like to micro will want to disrupt the horde bonus for the massed battlemasters.

    After capturing the repair bay, there will be another line of tank bunkers/gattlings with ECM backup for you to destroy.

    German accent: Objective cited! All panzers and auxiliary advance on Staatz!

    Leftennant Eva: General, the village is in our sights. In order to fully secure this junction, you will need to destroy the listening outpost atop Staatz hill. Be advised, the hill has been heavily mined.

    The village is small, mostly to one side of the hill. There's potential for close-range street fighting, and you'll have to slug it through the village in order to get to Kwai's war factories and command center. Finally, the hill will be well defended with gattling cannons and bunkers, and the outpost will be garrisoned. You could slowly advance up it with dozers clearing mines, or you can use a PzH-2000 to take it out from a distance.

    British accent: Sources within occupied Vienna report that Chinese troops are abandoning the city. We are getting footage of large columns of tanks and armored vehicles heading south along the A4 Autobahn. Sources in the underground have mentioned rumors of a second front and chatter about 'avoiding encirclement.' EU Military Council has confirmed that European forces have launched an offensive southward from Brno…

    We Are Victorious.


    As always, let me know what you think.

    For the last two, I'm thinking of a defense-oriented mission somewhere in Hungary, where the player can use Defort's fortress bunkers and massive paradrop reinforcements. And for the last mission it would be a full-on assault against China's logistic center in Europe, either in Greece or Bulgaria, using Ethelbert's Typhoon G2, the Alpha Strike, and the Ragnarok.

    submitted by /u/TheHairyManrilla
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    Anyone have any updates on the remasters on Command & Conquer and Red alert?

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 12:23 AM PST

    So like 3-4 months ago I first heard of Command and Conquer and I recently heard of the remasters of the first two games and I am wondering if there is any updates

    submitted by /u/witheringsickness
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    Command & Conquer - Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge - 1 vs 7 BRUTAL w SW (HQ)

    Posted: 12 Jan 2020 04:11 AM PST

    Help with GDI’s Croatia mission in CnC 3.

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 05:42 PM PST

    It's the mission where you have to micro the base defenses than have to rescue the MCV.

    Mu issue isn't with micro, it's when I bring the MCV back, then proceed to get annihilated by flame tanks and flame troops that issue arise.

    Any tips?

    Edit: thx for the tips.

    I eventually was able to just defend and get the MCV.

    submitted by /u/XxDKHx091905xX
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    What's everyone's opinion on red alert 3?

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 04:58 PM PST

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