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    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    Command & Conquer I don't remember this from ra2. Cut content?

    Command & Conquer I don't remember this from ra2. Cut content?

    I don't remember this from ra2. Cut content?

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:24 AM PDT

    Yuri's shy

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    Well I had a commison of some C&C Faction Patches not 1, not 2, not even 3 but 4eachone diffrentand I'm sure you know them all ��

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    C&C Generals Zero Hour: Superweapon vs Air Force [Easy] [World Record Speedrun]

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    C & C Red Alert Remastered - Soviet Mission 8B (Hard)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    Played Renegade and Generals again after 15 or so years.

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 01:33 PM PDT

    I remember really enjoying Renegade when it 1st came out. It's one of the few games where I loved multiplayer. Played the campaign again and man it is kind of a buggy mess, but still fun. The music is definitely my favorite part.

    Vanilla Generals was fun, but still rough to look at and get through. I got a graphics patch to work for renegade but kept getting errors for the Generals one. Zero Hour felt like a huge improvement over vanilla on the UI and everything, just AI pathing gets a bit janky sometimes. Oh, I also don't like how everything seems to move so slow (like they are underwater)

    I would kill to get the Generals graphics patch to work though. It kept saying I need directX 8 or something when I have 12 and was saying my video card might not support it but it's a relatively good card (GeForce GTX 1060 3gb)

    Anyone have any good mod suggestions for either of these games btw? I prefer mods that add, not replace things.

    submitted by /u/SturmWyvern83
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    How do I get multiple mods installed on the origin version of C&C generals zero hour

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 12:21 PM PDT

    I have tried to copy the game and install the mods on them but I just loads the vanilla version I have tried having the mod folders in and out of the origin games folder but neither have worked. The mods I am trying to download are Rise of the reds shockwave and contra.

    submitted by /u/TriMangle2
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    Guys we should stop

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    Command and Conquer Score Mechanics

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 05:13 PM PDT

    Decided to look through the C&C95 source code to figure out how mission leadership, score, and efficiency were actually calculated.

    SHORT VERSION: Leadership starts at 100% and is reduced by the number of GDI Units/Structures lost, with all units/structures counted equally. Efficiency starts at 100% and decreases by credits spent AND DOES NOT INCREASE BY CREDITS HARVESTED. It only increases by credits from selling buildings or possibly from crates. Score is (46 + 1.4xEfficiency + 4xLeadership) x (Build Level + 1) (Minimum: 94, Maximum 1400 or 1600).

    Longer Version: Leadership: Starts at 0 and increases for each (Player owned?) Object (Unit or Structure?) at the end of the mission. If leadership is 0 at this point, increase it to be at least 1. Leadership then undergoes the following two formulas: leadership = leadership / (GDI Units Lost + GDI Structures Lost + leadership) (Note that the minimum value here can be 1/256 or 0.00390625) leadership = 100 * leadership (The minimum leadership value of 0.3% gets rounded down here to 0%) If the result is over 100, cap leadership at 100.

    Leadership is (number of player owned objects at the end of the mission (or 1 if the player does not own anything) / (# of player owned objects (or 1) + number of GDI unites and structures lost)*100. Leadership starts at 100% and is reduced by how many GDI buildings have been destroyed or units you have killed at the end of the mission for both GDI AND Nod missions. In practice, this means you will have 100% efficiency for GDI OR Nod if you do not destroy ANY GDI buildings or kill ANY GDI Units.

    While this makes sense for GDI (leadership in this case being don't loose any units or structures), it seems bugged fo NOD, especially considering that many missions require you to destroy GDI forces. Note that you can minimize the impact of this by making sure that you have lots of units and structures at the end of the mission.

    Efficiency: Starts at (ending credits + 1) / (total credits harvested by the player + Initial credits + 1) If efficiency is 0, increase it to be at least 1. Multiply efficiency by 100, then cap it at 100.

    Efficiency is the credits you ended with over the credits you started with AND the total credits you harvested over the course of the mission. Any money spent reduces efficiency, and harvested money does not increase efficiency. In practice, to get 100% efficiency you need to either not spend ANY credits, or (possibly, haven't fully checked where 'HarvestedCredits' is updated) acquire at least as much money that you spent through methods OTHER than harvesting tiberium (selling buildings, capturing and selling enemy buildings, getting cash crates, etc.).

    Total Score: Total score is a bit easier to understand: (4x leadership + 1.4x efficiency + a base of 46) x (build (tech) level + 1). The game rounds this value down, so, for example, completing GDI mission 1 with 6% leadership and 0% efficiency results in a score of 96.8, which gets rounded down to 96. Interestingly, mission time does not factor in the final score.

    To get the minimum score, you would need 0% leadership and 0% efficiency on the minimum build level (1). This means the minimum score possible is 92. To get the maximum score, you would need 100% leadership and 100% efficiency on the maximum build level (15 - GDI, 13 - NOD). This means the maximum score possible is either 1600 or 1400.

    Raw Code (from SCORE.CPP): /* ** Determine leadership rating. */ unsigned leadership = 0; int index; for (index = 0; index < Logic.Count(); index++) { ObjectClass * object = Logic[index]; if (object->Owner() == house) { leadership++; } }

    HouseClass *houses[3]; for (index = 0; index < 3; index++) { houses[index] =(HouseClass::As_Pointer((HousesType)(HOUSE_GOOD+index))); }

    GKilled = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_GOOD))->UnitsLost; NKilled = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_BAD))->UnitsLost; CKilled = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_NEUTRAL))->UnitsLost; GBKilled = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_GOOD))->BuildingsLost; NBKilled = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_BAD))->BuildingsLost; CBKilled = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_NEUTRAL))->BuildingsLost;

    /* ** New - ST 6/12/96 2:40PM */ GHarvested = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_GOOD))->HarvestedCredits; NHarvested = (HouseClass::As_Pointer(HOUSE_BAD))->HarvestedCredits;

    if (!leadership) leadership++; leadership = Cardinal_To_Fixed(GKilled+GBKilled+leadership, leadership); leadership = Fixed_To_Cardinal(100, leadership); if (leadership > 100) leadership = 100;

    /* ** Determine efficiency rating. */ int gharv = GHarvested; int init = PlayerPtr->InitialCredits; int cred = PlayerPtr->Available_Money();

    unsigned efficiency = Cardinal_To_Fixed( (house == HOUSE_GOOD ? GHarvested : NHarvested) + (unsigned)PlayerPtr->InitialCredits+1, (unsigned)PlayerPtr->Available_Money()+1); if (!efficiency) efficiency++; efficiency = Fixed_To_Cardinal(100, efficiency);

    if (efficiency > 100) efficiency = 100; /* ** Calculate total score */ long total = ((leadership * 40) + (4600) + (efficiency * 14))/100; if (!total) total++; total *= (BuildLevel+1);

    NOTE: Cardinal_To_Fixed -- Converts cardinal numbers into a fixed point number.
    Cardinal_To_Fixed(unsigned base, unsigned cardinal) : result = ( cardinal / base ) Minimum value of (1/256); Maximum value of 256 Fixed_To_Cardinal -- Converts a fixed point number into a cardinal number.
    Fixed_To_Cardinal(unsigned base, unsigned fixed) : result = (base * fixed) ( + 128?)

    submitted by /u/ScoreLearner
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    CnCNet: various questions to players (Red Alert 1)

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:54 AM PDT

    • Is it somehow possible to alter the playercolors? I can't for the live of me differentiate orange/green/yellow from each other aswell as turquoise from grey.

    • most good players play on 400p or 480p. Is there a specific reason for this other than it was the intended way to play the game? I see why you don't play on 1080p but 480p seems like a disadvantage. I'd say 600p or 768p seems like the perfect balance. Is it mandatory in the ranked ladder or did people just make an agreement to play on that res? It can't just be minimalizing travel distance for your cursor and click accuracy right?

    • which maps are in the 1v1 ladder?

    • is it even worth trying the ranked ladder without being REALLY good? I've been top 20 in the remastered for quite some time but obviously classic RA is on another level. I'm not bad but surely don't belong to the top players of the game.

    • I've seen people play the arena defense challenge 2.0 but apparently the link is dead (ra1guides.com seems to be down - so AFORA seems to be useless now). Can someone provide that? Also, do you know any other maps that are worth the time to practice? I'm playing on my own tho. So those 2+ player defense maps are worthless for me.

    • Where does the CnCNet RA community communicate? It doesn't seem they're using this sub very much. Entering a lobby of the high skilled players mostly gets me kicked without them having ever played with me. I wanna be part of that community.

    • Is there a "better AI" mod for red alert? If so, I couldn't really find that either. The hard one of cncnet isn't really a challenge most of the time and playing that over and over again teaches me wrong things as it will not manage multiple groups, has ridiculous timings (buildspeed) and builds way too much inf. It also won't expand. Is there a mod that enables the AI to do at least some of that? If not, what would you think would be the best way too stay fit in the game when you can only play it offline for most of your time? The only thing I do is normal skirmishes and trying the gold medal challenge, which I couldn't complete yet. I was close once or twice but that's it.

    Thank you guys in advance.

    submitted by /u/GodMeyo
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    Hello commander and conquer fans actually i need your help in the last 4 week i was trying to find a mod for general zero hour but i couldn't find it any where the mod it is like between 5 to 7 yer old idk and it have a very specific team i only remember that team.

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:15 PM PDT

    Does Red Alert 3 reward you for playing badly?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 10:14 PM PDT

    As far as I can tell, you are able to unlock more top secret protocols if you get more security points. And security points seem to be rewarded much faster for a high threat level, which seems easiest to get by losing lots of your own units. So does this mean the game is basically rewarding the player for playing badly and losing lots of their units? Does anyone have any insight why the game would be designed to reward a player for playing badly? Hopefully I'm missing something here.

    submitted by /u/skiandhike91
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    C&C Remastered Ranking Gripe

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:51 PM PDT

    I doubt this is the place to post this but I don't know where else it goes. The dev team said they would crack down on alternate accounts but it's ruining the whole system. Good players make alternate accounts to practice new strategies, most of the guys I ran into admit they have at least one, if not more, alternate accounts. They destroy you on their alt accounts and, when these accounts are unranked or low in rank, it KILLS your score. However, it also rapidly propels the alternate account upwards because that's just how the system works, which helps these people carve out more slots for themselves. If the wonky strategies go bad, they don't care because they just make new-new accounts. Someone needs to fix this, it's extremely aggravating.

    submitted by /u/XtraSpiceyKetchupPlz
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    Is there a way to play zero hour multiplayer across distance via a VPN?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 07:18 PM PDT

    As asked in title is there a way to play cnc via a virtual private network in order to play private multiplayer. The reason I ask is my father and I want to play with an old comrade of ours who lives across the country on the east coast in Knoxville TN. I have zerotier one so I have networks available to use

    submitted by /u/Rairaijin
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