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    Command & Conquer Join me brothers!

    Command & Conquer Join me brothers!

    Join me brothers!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 04:20 AM PST

    Found this on a Fallout 4 subreddit

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 07:37 PM PST

    New from Brotherhood Studios!!! Grow your own Tiberium patch!!! No warranties or medical coverage for undesirable mutations!!!

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 11:15 PM PST

    Why the time is right for a new Command and Conquer

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:55 PM PST

    This is a bit of an open letter to EA, but also I will thank you very much if you read it and comment it because I feel it's important for all the community to have a word.

    First off a disclaimer, I am not trying to be political here, I don't want to start a political discussion, I am just pointing out some reference to add deep to this post, I want this as much to be a work of research as a work about how I believe we all feel.

    So, let's start with a bit of reality check, the current pandemic has hit the global economy quite hard, and young people have suffered dearly in the wake of restrictions placed by the government in order to protect the most vulnerable sections of the population, often children, people with specific health conditions and of course the old, a report done by King (2020, 13 October) shows that in a nation like UK the demographic group which has taken the biggest hit on unemployment have been the youth between 16 and 24.

    Incidentally, this same group, and those of male gender in particular (over 90 percent according to studies), are the ones more likely to join violent organizations and commit crimes, Kimmel (2018, 11 April) mentions that in surveys done to young male extremists they felt their actions were justified because a wider sector stepped over what they felt was their natural rights and made their lives a continuous set of setbacks, on that sense Pinker (2011) points out that most extremists, including terrorist and suicide bombers often belong to middle class, are well educated and feel committed to their communities, when joining extremist groups they do it as to, in their minds, find a way to redeem themselves from their self-perceived failures to get a well-paid job and form a family, incidentally, this sense of wanting to be part of a greater whole and develop a group of comrades is why young people join and stay in armies, when the bullets start raining you don't fight for democracy or country, you fight for your squad mates.

    Now, how does Command and Conquer factor in all of this?

    Well, Cohen, Pratchett & Stewart (2002) wrote about how humans need narrative to understand their lives, but also they pointed out the potentiality for stories to be used as tools to understand our own perceptions of reality and allow us to escape the mind traps that make for terrorists, suicide bombers and the like.

    At core, I feel the conflict between GDI and Nod is a narrative reflection of the fight between the established order of the west civilization defended by young men in uniforms and the same young men's impulse to rebel against the status quo and fight against a system which is not accomplishing the promises it made to them, this fight is even more subtle than you may think at first, it calls to the most primal senses, the Brotherhood is tribal in nature, but a tribe filled with alpha males (hence why they have so many civil wars) who nevertheless cling to a paternalistic messianic figure (Kane). Meanwhile GDI is the sense of authority given to young men, the law that comes to hunt down bandits and bring law to town. All while the impending worldwide spread of the Tiberium grows ever larger, promising doom and utopia in equal quantities.

    Stability vs Innovation, Law vs Nonconformity, they hit a cord at the heart of many people, this is the reason why I can say with all conviction that we are ready for a fully fleshed tiberian game.

    But there is more to that, as pointed out by Cohen, Pratchett & Stewart the fact you are bringing a war story to young males works not just as a way to let out their aggression and desire for conflict and cunning, but as an open demonstration of what personal and group choices can create.

    In other words, a tiberian themed game will let them know what is to be part of an extremist organization or a military expeditionary force without having to go to a real war with all its implications, particularly at a time where animosity is likely to increase due the current economic situation.

    Now, some of you may wonder why not just bring a new Red Alert or a Generals, but if you think a little the problem with those two games is obvious, their themes are old news. In Red Alert's case their basis on a world war between the west and communist forces is a scenario which no longer feels right for the targeted population, perhaps if we were looking for people in their 40s or 50s it may work, but for that any developer would have to throw away all the cheesiness and attempts at comedy which every new iteration cranked up, I doubt most people involved in the Cold War would like to see themselves as part of a mocking farce, as a Russian (2019, 1 August) commented in a Youtube video reminiscent of the Soviet Union:

    "…It's very sad when you lose a great country. Really. Grandparents tell us how good it used to be. We, the generation of perestroika, were born at the wrong time and in the wrong place. in 30 years we lost everything we had, the people became depressed, there were no salaries, a lot of alcoholics, old Khrushchevs, the post-Soviet atmosphere…"

    As for Generals, after more than 15 years of Mideast coverage on the newspapers there is a sense of tiredness that there shouldn't been any more military adventures, the EU, for example, consider, as Serhan points out (2019, 28 May), they should keep going through negotiation with Islamic states such as Iran, even in USA, where the population still supports intervention in the Mideast, 73 percent of Americans feel like they are not winning anything when fighting the likes of ISIS, so, in other words, no one feels like a fight with the GLA is going to bring us somewhere (2017, 18 October).

    Finally, I want to address the point that some of you may raise, that we are trying to look for escapism in a time of crisis and so people will dislike a grim and dark Command and Conquer. Well, I think this is not the case because as I pointed out the target we should be looking for is young male people who tend to militancy, truth be told most fans of Command and Conquer are or have been in this phase, you only have to see Frank Klepacki and the Tiberian Sons playing No Mercy at MAGFest (2019) to see what I am talking about, with hundreds of people raising their fists and screaming "PEACE THROUGH POWER" and "KANE LIVES", the added fact that up until now you have fans so committed as to update with mods games 20 years old (2020, 30 October), and make them more serious and with greater deep for that matter, is a clear indicator you have a very good potential public.

    What is more, there is, as Astor points out (2012, 19 October), a need for dystopian narrative, a sense of impending doom and darkness which appeals to our inner selves, with questions such as why, what and how we should be in such situations when they may rise.

    So yes, I think the time is right for a new game set in the tiberian universe, one which should be as classic as Tiberian Dawn, as atmospheric as Tiberian Sun and as rich in narrative as C&C3.


    Astor, D. (2012, 19 October) Why Do We Like Dystopian Novels? From https://www.huffpost.com/entry/why-do-we-like-dystopian-novels_b_1979301

    Cohen, J., Pratchett, T. & Stewart, I. (2002) The Science of Discworld II: The Globe. Ebury Press

    Kimmel, M. (2018, 11) April Almost all violent extremists share one thing: their gender. From https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/08/violent-extremists-share-one-thing-gender-michael-kimmel

    King, B. (2020, 13 October) Unemployment rate: How many people are out of work? From https://www.bbc.com/news/business-52660591

    Mental Omega (2020, 30 October) From http://mentalomega.com/

    Pinker, S. (2011) The Better Angels of Our Nature. Viking Books

    Poll: American Attitudes on Middle East Policies (2017, 18 October) From https://www.mei.edu/publications/poll-american-attitudes-middle-east-policies

    Serhan, Y. (2019, 28 May) In an Echo of the Iraq War, the U.S. and Europe Are Split on Iran. From https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2019/05/europe-us-escalation-iran-iraq-war/589588/

    The Tiberian Sons (2019, January 22) No Mercy - Frank Klepacki & The Tiberian Sons LIVE (8/17). Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzjwmP5OqnM

    Truckfighter (2019, 1 August) 1 Hour Of Melancholic Sovietwave. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya3XufguZMY

    submitted by /u/Commander_McNash
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    Poll: C&C Remastered Collection Collector's Edition Mammoth Tank

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 08:12 AM PST

    I've noticed from all the unboxing videos that there are two kinds of Mammoth tank models included in the Command and Conquer Remastered Collection 25th Anniversary Collector's edition.

    One type has a turret that can rotate all the way around (front to back), seemingly with 360 degrees of rotation.

    The other kind can only rotate a few degrees to the left and right, I'm guessing probably due to a manufacturing flaw.

    Which type did you get?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/milkmirthy
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    C&C Act on Instinct Music cover :). Hope you guys like :)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 01:17 PM PST

    How do you switch teams mid game in yuris revenge online?

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 09:38 AM PST

    C & C Red Alert Remastered - Aftermath - Spain Situation Critical (Hard)

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 07:58 AM PST

    Command and Conquer 3 over LAN

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 06:34 AM PST

    It's almost my birthday and I wanted to do a lanparty with my friends playing Kanes Wrath and some other games. But how do you set this up? Hamachi is what I used back in the day but that only goes up to 5 computers on a netwerk which isn't enough and Tunngle isn't working for me. I can't login and all the program does is sending me to 404 pages. What method do you guys use?

    submitted by /u/daymarEngel
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    InOps File Declassification Request Granted

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 10:47 PM PST

    * * *

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    + + + File to follow + + +

    From: [Redacted], GDI Central Command, Office of [Redacted], ID 434-[Redacted]

    To: [Redacted], GDI Council, Councillor ID [Redacted]

    Subject: Re: AI Report


    Here is an overview of the report you wanted. Not sure why you couldn't get one of your aides to do it, but these days I don't really care. I know what everyone thinks of me and what they say behind my back and I couldn't give two shits. I ain't holding their hands anymore, especially when it all hits the fan and they come running to me to sort it out…again.

    Anyway, I've done what you asked and if you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them.

    Please don't have any questions.




    - - - Summary Report on Known AI and Electronic Agents - - -

    - - - Classified ULTRA RED : for GDI Central Command and Council Eyes Only - - -

    Section 1 (i)


    Tactical Coordination System

    AI Level: None

    InOps Classification: No Threat

    This was the Brotherhood of Nod's first encompassing tactical system, used before and during the First Tiberium War. Not much is known about it, but seems it was on par with our own EVA system during that time. Although it was a perfectly functional system, it was dropped in favour of moving towards more powerful, AI-based systems.

    CABAL: Computer Assisted Biological Augmented Lifeform

    AI Level: Basic, Advanced, Sentient (relative to time period)

    InOps Classification: Dangerous to Ultra Threat (relative to time period)

    Rumoured to be part alien artefact and created by Kane himself, it supports Nod's armies across the globe and helps the day to day running of the Brotherhood as well as overseeing and carrying out highly advanced R&D. As an AI of extreme intelligence, some might even say borderline sentience, CABAL is an integral part of the Brotherhood and most likely would not be the superpower it is today without its assistance. Much of CABAL's history, including its original activation date is unknown, but reports of it first appeared around the First Tiberium War, albeit in a cruder, less advanced form. Confirmation of this can be found in a report by GDI commando, 'Havoc' (see Addendum 1, PostOp Report 42861-98NT), where he mentions CABAL being present inside Nod's Temple Prime during the assault at the end of the First Tiberium War. Since then, it has been upgraded or 'evolved' into a truer form of AI and by the time of the Second Tiberium War, it had moved up from an EVA level system, to something on par with GDI's ELISE system. By the time of the Firestorm incident, CABAL had all but evolved into a full AI and had even created a persona of sorts for itself and ended up going rogue with the death of Kane. Before it was destroyed in 2031 by a joint Nod and GDI assault, CABAL was the closest any program or electronic identity has come to realising full sentience. For just how long beforehand it was playing obedient for the Brotherhood is not known at this point, but judging by the amount of forces it had built up and how swiftly it was able to almost bring the world to its knees, at least a decade of preparation would have been necessary to accomplish this. There have also been rumours that without the guidance or perhaps, control, of Kane, the AI simply ran its natural course or implemented some kind of contingency plan. There are even some who believe that the AI had already achieved full sentience long ago and what the Brotherhood saw was merely a façade, or even a simple copy that CABAL had made of itself and the death of Kane brought the true CABAL to the forefront but none of this has any factual basis that we are aware of at this time.

    LEGION: Kane's Next-Gen AI

    AI Level: Sentient

    InOps Classification: Ultra Threat, [Redacted]

    What limited facts we do have on LEGION is that it was based upon CABAL, updated with knowledge gained from the Tacitus and developed by Kane to be a true sentient AI and successor to CABAL. LEGION is even more powerful than CABAL was at the height of its computing power. Captured intelligence from intercepted Brotherhood transmissions reveal that the cyborg-based Marked of Kane Nod sub-faction answers directly to LEGION, who in turn answers directly to Kane himself. We believe LEGION was the directing force behind [Redacted], the destruction of the ZOCOM MARV in Africa, [Redacted] and the Tacitus raid on our Rocky Mountains Complex. It is unknown when or for how long LEGION was developed, but it appears to have risen to prominence towards the end of the Third Tiberium War and still operated for some time after that before mysteriously vanishing from use. It is odd that such a successful AI would be decommissioned but trying to understand the Brotherhood's actions is more often than not, futile. There have been, however, a few reports of questionable reliability and several second and third hand accounts that says LEGION is actually still in service and was able to stabilise the captured Tacitus and even merged with the alien artefact, although this is highly dubious and more than likely Nod propaganda or disinformation.

    submitted by /u/CABALwasInnocent
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    Kane lives! In the DJ booth

    Posted: 03 Nov 2020 08:13 PM PST

    Thank you so much for the award!! Be sure to let me know what you think of the breakdown series so far and what i could change to make it better!

    Posted: 04 Nov 2020 03:27 AM PST

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