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    Saturday, January 9, 2021

    Command & Conquer stop watching this haram, the gla needs you

    Command & Conquer stop watching this haram, the gla needs you

    stop watching this haram, the gla needs you

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:21 AM PST

    Made myself a leather mask to cover my usual mask I wear outside. Thought this sub might like it.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 09:46 AM PST

    Finally got CnC3 reinstalled! Kane's Wrath gameplay

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 05:02 AM PST

    Alright, I can't be the only one who had this dumbass mental gag pop into my mind. Any of you who find this funny need to leave and never come back. You should be ashamed of yourself for laughing at my goddamn bullshit.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 09:49 AM PST

    (C&C 3)Question : does anyone know how to modify the campaigns so you can build anything, even on the first missions ?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:38 AM PST

    Hello, i was wondering if its possible to unlock all tech in the campaigns of c&c3 in the first missions, does anyone know how to do it ?

    For exemple, on the first mission of the GDI campaign, you cannot make vehicules since you cant make a war factory, is it possible to change that ?

    I also tried to capture the war factory of the NOD but you can only make buggys and harvester. Same for the MCV, you can only build the first 4 buildings.


    submitted by /u/Kyuga
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    Remaster or a new game?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:45 PM PST

    From reading the post and comments here since the C&C Remaster it seems most of people here want another remaster. Either of RA2 or TS (or both). RA2 in combination with CnCnet is still very playable and there aren't that many improvements needed, at least enough to warrant a remaster IMO.I mean I understand that there's the fear that EA might f**k things up. But that can still happen with the remaster. Just see how Activision & Blizzard f-ed up Reforged.So why do most people want to see a remaster over a new game? Even with all the call for the remaster I've never seen a more specific reason than "better graphics" and "Online ladder-board". Do they don't know about CnCnet? Don't know where to purchase the game? How to make it work on win10? What are your opinions on this subject?

    p.s.: I understand that it's more likely to happen because it needs less of money invested in it. But that's the business side of it. I'm looking for player opinion.

    submitted by /u/tkragon
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    Updates, Sequals new CNC titles 2021 ?

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 03:23 AM PST

    Do we have perhaps a hint of what will come next ?

    My mouth is watering for So many titles !

    A new Dune, A new Tiberium sequal, A Generals Sequal, A Red Alert sequal....As well as a new title 20th centuary based.

    submitted by /u/Urquanian
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    Today on Nod News Network (Part 2)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 07:19 PM PST

    A sequel for my Nod News Network fanfic, now bigger and better.

    "Brothers and Sisters, this is Nod News Network! Today's headlines."

    "One of our faithful harvester pilots made a stunning discovery and set the world record for circumnavigating the globe in his daily harvesting routes."

    "The roll out of our latest Avatar Warmech, inspired by the innovation of one of our faithful brothers, duct tape and a Purifier Warmech."

    "Our faithful harvester pilots are the backbone to Nod's plans. Ever so loyal, yet so stupid in their choice of routes, they mostly stay in the background. But there are a few exceptions. One of our faithful made a discovery and set the world record for circumnavigating the globe. He has inscribed his place in the history books of Nod with his efforts."

    "We have managed to get into contact with the harvester pilot responsible ."

    "Well, I decided to take a shortcut in one of my harvesting routes. Somehow I got lost and manged to end up travelling across the world. Oh, I saw some sights. I saw the remains of what looks like two old harvesters stuck together."

    "Were you in danger in your unplanned-for trip around the world?"

    "Of course not, Sister! In fact, thanks to our Harvesters' stealth generators and a bit of luck on my part, the GDI bases and Visitor mining outposts did not notice my presence in their midst until I left."

    'Well, that may explain the streams of profanity from intercepted GDI and Visitor comms we recently had . May Kane look upon your effort favourably. Oh, and please get a better navigation system."

    "And now, onto a commercial break by our followers."

    "Hey there, militants and devouts of Nod! Tired of being shredded by the fascist infidels and the invaders? Fanatics, are you sick of having to fight your urge to flee when confronted by heavier firepower in your quest to take down the enemies of Nod with you? Well, then fear no more. Here's Divination. We'll get you to take a elixir of Tiberium to make you stronger, faster and more alive. Now, when confronted by our militants, our most faithful and our most dedicated of the Ways of Nod , THEY will have to run from US!'

    "Divination, not just a super soldier potion, but the future of humanity under the Brotherhood of Nod! In Tiberium and the ways of Kane, we ascend! Warning: don't try to fight walkers with your bare hands, you may be evolved into the vison of humanity's future, but still, no one likes to be stomped by them. Just ask Brother Yamcha when he underwent Divination and tried to fight a GDI Juggernaut with his bare hands, if he had lived. "

    "And, we're back! A hot topic for Nod, the successor of the Purifier Warmech has just been released for our faithful. Codenamed Avatar, it is an improved and cheaper version of the Purifier featuring an adaption system that allows it to upgrade itself with the parts of other Nod vehicles. We have spoken to the team behind the creation of this unique system."

    "We had some problems with those stealth units and combined arms assaults that we encountered when facing some heretics that strayed from the true path of the Brotherhood . So, Abbot McGyver decided to use some duct tape and strip down some Beam Cannons and Attack Bikes to upgrade our Purifiers with their sensors and weaponry respectively . "

    "We beat those heretics back and we decided that the successor to the Purifier needed to be adaptable to the changing battlefield situations of the modern word. So we designed an adaption system to enable it to take parts from other Nod vehicles. It is compatible with Attack Bikes, Beam Cannons, Flame Tanks and Stealth Tanks. However we have to strip down the Avatar from the Purifier to make way for the adaptation system and the way that the Avatar takes parts from other units kills the crew of the donor vehicle and destroys it. But we should rest easy as the dead have matyred themselves for the glory of Nod and Kane."

    "I would rest easy with the thought as well as a faithful follower of Kane. We expect great results from the Avatar Warmechs when it hits the battlefield in a few days."

    submitted by /u/Cheemingwan1234
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    RA Remastered Season 4 Launched!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2021 08:37 PM PST

    Because EA dropped Support for the Remastered Collection: (unofficial) Season 4 LAUNCHED for RA Remaster by www.redalertpros.com

    Eddiecheng, a RA Player, created a website with a new Ranking!

    How to play: Do your normal RA Quickmatch. There is no external Software/Registration required!

    You can Check your Season 4 Rank at www.redalertpros.com/ranking

    Attention! TURKEY wins will not be Counted! Also a loss against a Turkey Player will not be counted!

    The Ranking System still works, some features are still missing, but they will come! (Player search, tournaments,...)

    When there are any questions, feel free to ask. I will try to answer (i'm not a native speaker, so please excuse me some errors 😊 )

    Have a nice day!

    submitted by /u/mark_j_fox
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