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    Friday, April 2, 2021

    Command & Conquer Cool Generals Zero Hour Art I found

    Command & Conquer Cool Generals Zero Hour Art I found

    Cool Generals Zero Hour Art I found

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    Lil Tiberium Field Test

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:55 AM PDT

    Le kirov reporting

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:26 AM PDT

    Act On Instinct in Animal Crossing New Horizons

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    C&C Red Alert 3: Generals Evolution Mod BETA 0.21 - The Scorpion King [Max Settings]

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    Ai-controlled GI's no longer deploying when attacking away from their base in Yuri's Revenge.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    In Red Alert 2, AI-controlled GI's deploy whenever they attack away from base, whether attacking enemies that comes along the way or attacking the player's base. But in Yuri's Revenge, the AI no longer deploys their GI when they attack an enemy far away from their base, only if the AI's GI is guarding their base do they deploy. What happened here? Was something changed in the AI coding during the development of the expansion? Even mods such as Mental Omega and mods powered by Ares didn't seem to fix this issue. Was it a hardcoded bug introduced in Yuri's Revenge that is yet to be fixed by Ares?

    submitted by /u/SeriousJrinkVar
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    Best Soundtracks in the series

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    Ok, So I'm rating just the soundtracks from each of the mainline games. I'm mainly basing my rating on how integral they are to the games they are in. My list is as follows:

    1. Red Alert - This one was tough, but I think it edges out over number 2 because of my personal bias and because of Hell March. I just love the slap-bass that's present in this soundtrack, and I get flooded with nostalgia endorphins every time I hear "BigFoot" or "Twin Cannons". Plus, this soundtrack edged out as best OST of the year, beating Trent Reznor's "Quake OST". That's an accomplishment, for sure.
    2. Tiberian Sun - This soundtrack does so much for the atmosphere of this game. If you take out this soundtrack, then Tib Sun becomes much less of an experience. It feels like I'm listening to the sounds of a mysterious dying world where you are either taking refuge from an Ion Storm or the crossfire of an ongoing war.
    3. Command and Conquer - Act on Instinct is great. There are other great tracks on this OST, but I feel like it is a warmup to what was to define the series.
    4. Red Alert 2 - This one is hard rock experimental. Frank Klepaki turned up the rock and metal influences, and it makes every battle feel like I'm just jamming out to destruction. I think this extreme soundtrack compliments a world where the soviets control squids through mind control. An orchestral score would just derail this insanity-train.
    5. C&C:Renegade - This one is more like an off-shoot of C&C's OST. I like it, but it feels like more of the same. It doesn't differentiate itself enough from C&C to truly be a classic in my ears.
    6. Generals - This one feels like it's just as stereotypical as the game it's a part of. The Chinese soundtracks sound like what you'd hear in a Chinese restaurant, and GLA sounds like you just clicked "middleeasternsounds.wav" into your google search bar. USA's soundtrack is the most unique, but it doesn't hold a candle to what came before. I just don't think they were original enough with the OST.
    7. C&C3 - You can really tell that Frank Klepaki wasn't on board for this soundtrack. There's no "jams" in this OST, just background music. Kane's Wrath brings back variations of Tib Sun classics, but it honestly highlights just how much a good OST adds to these games. If you go from Tib Sun to this game, you will notice a huge shift in tone and atmosphere. I think a lot of that is attributed to the soundtrack.

    What do you guys think? What's your favorite soundtrack and why? Am I blinded by nostalgia? Who would you hire to make a new C&C soundtrack?

    submitted by /u/subwayfreaky
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    How to Disable Superweapons?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 10:19 PM PDT

    Hello, I'm getting super anger mode at the AI btfoing my sweet European Defenses that took me 15 minutes to build with their stupid Solar Beam.

    I am using the Rise of The Reds mod for Command and Conquer Zero Hour, I think that is important to point out.

    I really want to disable all superweapons, Scud, Nuke, Solar, Particle, the Tremor/Earthquake Bomb thing, all of em I don't like 'em.

    if I ctrl F any of those terms (Scud, Nuke, etc..) there's like, dozens and dozens of lines using those words and I have no idea if it's the right line. I see some people saying to change the build time to 9999999 which sounds doable I just don't know WHERE I'm supposed to do that? What file?

    btw, I am not concerned if me as the player also can't use the Superweapons, I never really liked using them, so if it's a line that'll just disable them or render them useless all together it'd be appreciated very much please

    submitted by /u/Plastic_Bat3474
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    Mods for C&C3 KW

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 01:39 AM PDT

    Okay i have to ask whats the best mod to add to C&C KW, i have played C&C my whole life and i want to spice it up a bit, but i really want one great mod that i can use (I don't own the game on Steam if that matters.). Thank you for your advice!

    submitted by /u/HealedVenom
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