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    Wednesday, June 30, 2021

    Command & Conquer This line is the only thing CnC4 is good for, and it doesnt really do that either.

    Command & Conquer This line is the only thing CnC4 is good for, and it doesnt really do that either.

    This line is the only thing CnC4 is good for, and it doesnt really do that either.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    Crazy Ivan but it's TF2

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    Impossible... (And from an AI no less!)

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    Command and Conquer 3: T3 Artillery Units guide (vanilla)

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 05:22 AM PDT

    This is a review of the T3 artillery units in vanilla Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars . While all of them do a decent job of turning bases into parking lots and structures into slums, they all have unique characteristics that help distinguish them from each other.

    Scrin: Devastator Warship:

    Requires: Technology Assembler and Gravity Stabilizer

    Cost: 2400

    Speed: Slow

    Armor: Heavy

    The only flying T3 artillery piece, the Scrin Devastator Warship looks like a flying version of your usual zi-char lobster dish at a Singaporean seafood restaurant . But this is no ordinary lobster special as it contains a battery of plasma discs that deals splash damage to anyone stupid enough to be on the ground. They require a Technology Assembler and Gravity Stabilizer to be brought into the battlefield. Their plasma discs deal heavy damage to structures and are as lethal to infantry units as something falling from the highest floor of a HDB flat and have no minimum range, meaning that a Devastator can fire directly underneath it. They deal decent damage to vehicles, provided that they don't dodge the plasma discs, so don't try hitting Pitbulls or Attack Bikes. They have decent armour and can be upgraded with Forcefield Generators to withstand more damage and a EMP attack and benefit from self-healing in a Storm Column or PAC's Ion Storm.

    Use Devastators to deal with structures, infantry blobs and bombarding from unexpected angles with their weaponry and flying attributes . Keep them away from Stealth Tanks, Venoms, Attack Bikes, Pitbulls, Firehawks, enemy Stormriders and PACs. They cannot attack air and must travel with units that can shoot at aircraft to make up for the disadvantage such as Seekers, Stormriders, PACs and Gun Walkers.

    Nod: Beam Cannon:

    Requires: Nod War Factory and Tech Lab

    Cost: 1000

    Speed: Fast (kinda)

    Armor: Light

    Some artisan scientists of the Brotherhood of Nod found Kane's flashlight and after some experiments involving slagging POWs captured by the Brotherhood, created the Beam Cannon. Well, that's what the rumours say. A fast vehicle with weak armour (like most Nod vehicles), it uses a particle laser cannon to slag vehicles and structures alike . But wait, there's more to this humble vehicle! Firstly, just like the power of friendship , multiple Beam Cannons attacking the same target and nearby to each other can combine their beams into one powerful beam that is more than capable of slagging a structure into rubble. With time, they can even deal tremendous damage to even the heaviest ground unit such as the Mammoth Tank.

    The second ability is underused however due to it's need for Venoms and it basically involves Beam Cannons bouncing their beams off the underside of the Venoms to hit targets on cliffs. However, anyone with half a brain would know how to take out Venoms if their base is on a cliff, rendering the reflector attack underused.

    Lastly, they can charge Obelisks of Light to increase their fire rate and range and be Commandeer fodder for Avatars to gain an additional arm laser. They should be kept in the rear and used to support an attacking force with their beam cannons, charging Obelisks of Light and sniping high value targets with their long range such as Mammoth Tanks due to their light armour . They can also call for transport to sneak them behind impassable terrain. Their hitscan beams makes them effective tank busters, provided there is enough distance between them and their targets. They deal no splash damage, so pair them with Flame Tanks when destroying bases in raids.

    GDI: Juggernaut:

    Requires: GDI Tech Center and GDI War Factory.

    Cost: 2200

    Speed: Slow

    Armor: Light (but with high HP)

    Once upon a time, GDI decided to mount a triple-barrel battleship-calibre cannon battery to a pair of two legs and call it a day. The Juggernaut fires off a salvo of three high explosive rounds. These rounds are inaccurate against moving targets, but are effective against structures. They also deal splash damage, making them effective against bunched infantry. They can bombard (all the way across the map during testing) within the vision radius of a Sniper Team, however the sniper team would be revealed in the process. Keep them in the rear of an attack force and have a Engineer nearby to recover their husk as they are walkers and leave behind wreckage that can be salvaged to rebuild the Juggernaut . Watch out for both commandoes and aircraft. While their bombardment ability can have the potential for wreaking havoc across the safety of your base, it's disadvantages (Requires a Sniper Team and the Sniper Team is revealed when spotting targets) is not worth the benefits.

    They also have minimal range, but this is compensated (a bit) by the Juggernaut's ability to crush light and medium vehicles underfoot.

    submitted by /u/Cheemingwan1234
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    Is it possible to play the co-op campaign of Red Alert 3 without the ally AI ?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:35 AM PDT

    I was wondering if its possible to just get control of all the units of the co-commander at the start of every mission to increase the challenge ?

    submitted by /u/Kyuga
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    Some things I'm doing for a TD-centric fanfic set in 1993, pre-Tiberium War 1

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 12:46 AM PDT

    [RA2 MOD: Red Counter-Strike] - Voice Overs Pilot Batch

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 02:19 PM PDT

    Another ArtOfDefense ( Tower Defence )

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 01:14 AM PDT

    Where to do generals from

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 03:03 AM PDT

    Not even like a cracked version, I'd pay

    But there's no way, even legal ones to dl it

    My only condition is not to have to buy a physical version

    submitted by /u/furthememes
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    C&c3 kw

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 01:13 AM PDT

    Anyone playing on Xbox ?

    submitted by /u/TheBoiFifa
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    RenegadeX #shorts

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 04:47 AM PDT

    How I connect RA1 to Tiberium and RA2, even if it's not officially canon

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 03:21 AM PDT

    I was always a fan of the idea that RA1's Allied victory lead to RA2 and that the Soviet victory lead to Tiberium.

    I know, I know: Westwood debunked it, it's not what they had planned nor is it actually canon, but I like to think this could have been a possibility. This is how my story goes:

    The Soviets win. During the Soviet campaign Kane is Stalin's mysterious advisor. Nobody knows much about this man except that his name is Kane. Stalin, listening to his Kane's advise, does several purges of his officers. One of these officers was Yuri. Well, no more Yuri, however Kane is still Stalin's advisor and after the Soviets win, the world goes into a state of turmoil.

    This increases Nod's influence. Kane somehow attracts the attention of the Scrin. The Scrin take in interest in Earth and hurl a chunk of Tiberium-laced rock at it in an effort to start the terraforming process. I mean it's a superweapon in C&C3 KW so it's not impossible. What happens afterwards in well-known: it leads to TD, TS, etc.


    The Allies win. Kane is still Stalin's advisor here though. Where does Kane go then? He can't just be killed, since he's proven in later games time and time again he survives even a fucking Ion Cannon blast or being impaled by a big piece of metal. Well, during WWII, Kane took an interest in a secret project the Allies were working on: the Chronosphere. He and a few Soviet officers fiercely loyal to him commandeer a batallion of Soviet troops and decide to go try and steal this mysterious Chronosphere that is being worked on in Lich, Germany. Nod is still operating from the shadows at this point so this is a clandestine operation personally overseen by Kane because he secretly wants this technology for Nod.

    However, a skilled Allied commander intervenes and defends the Chronosphere facility. When the machine is successfully activated, it causes a mysterious side effect known as the Chrono-vortex. It spawns randomly in the vicinity of the device and this happened to be the Soviet base Kane had been overseeing the attack from. Kane is accidentally caught in the Chrono-vortex and is erased from existence. Kane essentially ceases to exist, along with his officers.

    The Allies, discovering of the existence of this Chrono-vortex, decide to investigate and study it further and this eventually leads to the creation of the Chrono Legionnaire.

    Since Kane no longer exists in this timeline, Nod never emerges and disbands. Yuri is not purged and he fills the role of advisor to Stalin that Kane left when he vanished. No Kane means nobody attracts the attention of the Scrin. No Tiberium-laced rock is thrown at us and none of the Tiberium-saga ever happens. This leads to the events of RA2.

    Again, I know this isnt canon. This is pure fan fic. But every few years I enjoy playing through the storylines as if they happened this way. I go Soviet Campaign in RA1, then TD, then TS, Firestorm and C&C3. And after that, I play RA1 Allied, then RA2 and Yuri's revenge :-)

    submitted by /u/Snowbattt
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