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    Thursday, August 5, 2021

    Command & Conquer Top comment baby!

    Command & Conquer Top comment baby!

    Top comment baby!

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:40 AM PDT

    Updated models and textures for various GLA units. The End Of Days mod.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    All the generals zero hour players are guilty of this

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 10:21 AM PDT

    TRAINed for perfection

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 02:33 PM PDT

    Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - Flipped Missions - all RA2 missions from the perspective of the enemy!

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 01:06 AM PDT

    C&C3: Confessors. How do you use their grenades?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    Okay, we know how Confessors have a grenade that causes infantry to infight. How do you use their grenades given that my experiences tend to end up with the Confessor getting killed with his squad before he can throw his grenades.

    submitted by /u/Cheemingwan1234
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    Challenge me, i dare you:>

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 10:18 PM PDT

    Join the Tiberian Sun - Family Feud (Anniversary event)

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 11:39 AM PDT

    Red ALert 3 Unit Quotes without Context

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:10 AM PDT

    A year on, setting up the remaster to be able to toggle between original and updated graphics was the right call.

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    If EA does let Petroglyph remaster TibSun/RA2, I hope they go this way again. It really helped bring back that nostalgia kick, and through playing the whole game I played it at about 50/50 new/old graphics. I was originally a naysayer, but this was a great call.

    submitted by /u/Kombatwombat02
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    Can't get general to work

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    I downloaded the game a very long time ago, now the game doesn't launch successfully. Are there any patches or solutions which I can use?

    submitted by /u/the_real_vats
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    The Crimson Light: Fan-created subfaction for Nod in TW

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 11:51 AM PDT

    The Crimson Light: Fan-created subfaction for Nod in TW

    Note: I'm a terrible writer (and drawer) and just started writing things down a went with it.

    Affiliation: Brotherhood of Nod

    Leader: Maxwell Ortiz

    Type: Assault

    Military Doctrine: Laser based technology designed for frontal assaults

    Conflicts: Third Tiberium War


    - Venoms, Buggies and Scorpion tanks come with spitfire laser capacitors already installed. As a result all cost more to build

    - Obelisk's and Laser turrets cost less, have an increased fire rate but consume much more power

    - Can build bunkers for infantry to garrison in for defense

    - Beam Cannon's cost more due to increased firepower

    - No Black Hand Infantry or Flame tanks Laser fencing costs more but with shorter cool down


    Firefly Corps

    The firefly corps is the Crimson's Light's replacement of standard Nod militia squads. Better training, armor and armed with laser rifles that owe it's inspiration from the Firefly laser rifle from the First Tiberium War. They come equipped with flash-bang grenades that can disorient enemy infantry for a short time or it can be used to clear enemy garrisons. They wear an improved version of armor from the Second Tiberium War that is equipped with a singular horizontal red visor instead of the inverted triangular visor from said war.

    Big Reds

    Heavy infantry wielding laser miniguns that can make quick work out of light infantry squads and do some serious damage to light vehicles. Their heavy armor (bomb squad like suits and helmets) and heavy guns make them very slow compared to their other heavy infantry counterparts.


    Tank Destroyer

    A medium tank that can go toe to toe with light and medium GDI armor. Equipped with a heavy laser cannon that can chew through armor. It's main drawback is that the whole tank must turn as the cannon is not on a rotating turret. Based on the Tick Tank designs from Tiberian War 2.

    Flak Rover

    Realizing that Raider Buggies and Recon Bikes are too fragile to be reliable mobile anti-air, the flak rover was developed. A medium armored six wheeled APC that sacrifices the troop transport capability for dual flak cannons.


    Laser Guided Missiles

    Replaces Tiberium core missiles upgrade by increasing attack rate instead of attack power. This affects Militant Rocket Squads, Attack Bikes, Stealth Tanks, and SAM Turrets.

    Tiberium Infused Beams

    Gives Venoms, Buggies, Scorpions, Tank Destroyers and Beam Cannon's access to a charged shot that does 45% increased damage. However this is at a cost of a defensive decrease of 25% during the cool down period. This is only upgrade available at the Tiberium Chemical Plant.


    During the Firestorm Crisis, Ortiz was a young captain and member of Nod's R&D team who served under the Nod Commander (who served directly under Anton Slavik) in the war against CABAL. He was at the final battle that involved a joint assault with GDI against CABAL's core which GDI ended up destroying before Nod did. As a result of this Nod forces withdrew from the battle having accomplishing their goal and being nowhere near the strength to take on GDI at that point and time. However along with the Commander's work, Ortiz received high praise and a promotion to Colonel by Slavik in the aftermath. It was shortly after this promotion and returning to R&D work he wanted to expand the Brotherhood's laser arsenal. This was also the same time the Black Hand schism started to show between Slavik who at that time led the Brotherhood and Brother Marcion. Ortiz not being a member of the Black Hand was not involved directly in the conflict between Slavik Black Hand and Marcion Black Hand factions but along with his former Commander called for peace between brothers. This however was in vain and Slavik was assassinated by a Black Hand member loyal to Marcion, which lead to the self imposed exile to Australia.

    When Marcion was captured by LEGION and brought back into the fold by Kane, he and Ortiz worked together with building a new Brotherhood military. With a reunified Brotherhood, Ortiz was able to form a separate military branch from Nod and Black Hand with Kane's blessing. At the start of the Third Tiberium War the Crimson Light was responsible for attacking the Blue Zones in South America and Arabian Peninsula. It's logo is the Brotherhoods logo with instead of the scorpion is the logo for laser light on safety warning signs

    Combat Doctrine:

    The Crimson Light embraces strong front assaults at the expense of higher costs to train and build units along with increased power demands for it's laser based defensive structures. The increase in costs were implement in order to not having to always rely on Nod's traditional hit and run tactics. The introduction of the better trained Fireflies and Big Reds along with the medium armored Tank Destroyers and Flak Rovers reflects this philosophy.


    submitted by /u/ColdFreeway
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    CnC on Mac?

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    My dell finally crapped out on me and wife wanted a Mac. Any idea how to play command and conquer on Mac? BigSur OS didn't seem very cooperative

    submitted by /u/BringBackLunch
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    Could not Connect To Other Players" Multiplayer Error

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 12:03 PM PDT

    Hello. I'd love to get some help regard connection error within multiplayer lobby. Let me note: I'm using a mixed pirated version with original files of the game from a cd that my friend owns via actual USB stick. (just the original game ini, some data file, general.exe)

    Pirated version three different sources for different things:

    1: Command & Conquer - The First Decade - For iso and serials which work (source - ru tracker)

    2: Generals - For the patches, GeneralsZH-104-english.exe

    3: Command and Conquer Generals + Zero Hour (DIRECT PLAY) [blaze69] - for Multiplayer feature which already has applied gen patcher and tool/tfd-103-rev4


    Original files from my friend and the files that were used;

    1:USB stick - generals.exe, game.dat, Data, GeneralsZHenglish.exe


    I installed generals via pirated version "first first decade iso" that had 1/2 iso (separated ones for each game) once installed I replaced "generals.exe, game.dat, Data, GeneralsZHenglish.exe" with my friend's original files and then I mounted the "Generals" pirated version iso to find the patches and applied the patch 1.04 first along side 1.08 for the original generals. Once patched with 1,04, 1.08 I used "direct play" pirated version for tfd-103-rev4 which didn't work so I used gen tool which had gen patcher within it and applied the patches and builder and map packer, once I applied all that I set compatibility mode to windows 7 since I heard there were some issues with windows 10 and ran it as an admin (right when i finished installation I did enter regedit and changed some options for resolution since that was in the cncnz guide and during installation of generals I registered to EA account thingy and printed the thingy for mail confirmation and I registered to cnc and revora)

    Why I'm here: Error Summary:

    Once I enter the game, sign in, em taken to multiplayer lobby with other players. every time I attempt to start a game with another player the game stops saying ""Could not Connect To Other Players"

    Steps I've taken as alternative:

    1: I tried playing with myself in online multiplayer mode and it works.

    2: I tried playing LAN with a friend of mine that has the original version and it works

    3: I tried port forwarding (although not sure if I did it correctly) I found some guides on youtube where i basically made a static ip by applying with command promit using ipconfig thingy then like putting in the something personal ip4 internet within share center in control panel (wifi connection) and then getting onto my router and finding simple option port forward and imputing applied ip and ports which was set in game (in the firewall selection in game option)

    4: I tried turning off my hamachi (by disabling it)

    5: I tried disabling my firewall (in windows not via my router)

    6: I tried turning off avast while gaming

    PS: When I checked document files in zero hour data I found some crash file with stuff like:

    AntiAliasing = 1 BuildingOcclusion = yes CampaignDifficulty = 0 DynamicLOD = yes ExtraAnimations = yes FirewallPortOverride = 16001 GameSpyIPAddress = Gamma = 50 HeatEffects = no IPAddress = IdealStaticGameLOD = High LanguageFilter = false MaxParticleCount = 5000 MusicVolume = 70 Resolution = 1024 768 Retaliation = yes SFX3DVolume = 70 SFXVolume = 70 ScrollFactor = 60 SendDelay = no ShowSoftWaterEdge = yes ShowTrees = yes StaticGameLOD = Custom TextureReduction = 0 UseAlternateMouse = no UseCloudMap = yes UseDoubleClickAttackMove = no UseLightMap = yes UseShadowDecals = yes UseShadowVolumes = yes VoiceVolume = 70

    [2:13 AM]

    Release Crash at Wed Aug 04 01:26:46 2021 ; Reason Uncaught Exception in GameEngine::update Last error: Exception is access violation WinMain at 401720 Error code: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Description: The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access. Access address:00000020 was written to. Stack Dump: <Unknown>(-1) : <Unknown> 0x0081A375 Details: Register dump... Eip:0081A375 Esp:0019F48C Ebp:0019F70C Eax:002A980D Ebx:64F0DECC Ecx:00000000 Edx:00000000 Esi:09D06688 Edi:00A3AA78 EFlags:00210246 CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0053 GS:002b EIP bytes dump... Bytes at CS:EIP (0081A375) : 89 41 20 8B 41 38 C3 90 90 90 90 A1 1C 7F A4 00 56 8B F1 89 46 20 8B 46 38 85 C0 74 06 8B 08 50 Current stack:

    submitted by /u/ArkheStarMatis
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    Up, Up, UP!

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 04:40 PM PDT

    Tenkai Power! - Red Alert 3 Armor Rush

    Posted: 05 Aug 2021 01:49 AM PDT

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