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    Thursday, January 16, 2020

    Command & Conquer We're free, we're FREE! (OC)

    Command & Conquer We're free, we're FREE! (OC)

    We're free, we're FREE! (OC)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 02:08 PM PST

    Kane Biopic- We need a proper reboot of this series. EA is really wasting a universe they own.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 11:56 AM PST

    Red Alert 1 quite possibly has the most morbid and depressing tone of the games.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:51 AM PST

    Like with it's Tiberian counterparts, Red Alert is a pretty dark and cynical game, even if it is somewhat campy at times. I mean seriously; Your first Soviet briefing and mission has you watch gas test results and get your hands dirty by killing rebelling civilians. It also establishes what you would expect from the Soviets from there; terrifying bloodthirsty collectivists that aren't any different from their Nazi enemies. Imagine how horrible and pressure-bursting it is to be cooped up as a general in Stalin's war room, where he can explode into a psychotic-fueled rage at any moment. A good example would be when he is throwing a short tirade about the Allies resisting stubbornly, and nearly strangles his own intelligence officer. Or when he was drunk and had Gradenko sign death warrants of most of his staff, deluding them as traitors plotting against him. Even Gradenko seemed hesitant, likely the fact that he was allowing mass-murder to happen, and probably had friends listed under Stalin's death list. Very chilling and unnerving. And the fact that every Soviet character is power-hungry sadist wanting to rise in a higher position doesn't help, notable in that Kukov pulls a Seth on you, subtly jealous of your victories, and almost succeeds in killing you if not for Stalin being corrected on your part. And of course, the Soviet ending has all the characters dead except for you and Kane, you now being nothing more but a mere puppet to Nod.

    The Allies aren't any better. They're not as brutal or ruthless like the Soviets, but they done some questionable acts that doesn't paint them in a positive light. They likely crossed the line when they tested the Chronosphere (which was in it's prototypical stages) on one of their own ships, with a full crew on board, and hinted that the test killed and/or mutilated a lot of them. And this was treated as a successful experiment. Or maybe much later, after stopping Stalin's plan to use nuclear missiles on Allied cities, they massacre a small Soviet village to make way for their base to be built. Pretty messed up for what is essentially a war crime committed by the good guy's. And of course, the Allies ending gives likely the most terrifying and cold-blooded death of the whole series, with Stavros burying a wounded Stalin alive. Stavros eerie grin that would fit in a slasher movie, him gagging the dictator, Stalin's muffled screaming...I still feel shaken on how cold and remorseless that ending is.

    This is why Red Alert is one of my favorite games in the series. A time-travel plot gone horribly right, sparking an even worse version of World War 2, the Soviets causing more deaths and atrocities than any of the horrors Nazi Germany instigated. It gave an impression that war is hell, and nothing is to be glorified about.

    Sometimes I wonder if WW2 would've been worse if the Nazi's never came to power and the Soviet Union under Stalin decided to invade all of Europe and Asia. Of course, no Mammoth Tanks or Tesla Coils obviously.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Lazer5i8er
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    Look familiar? - Coincidence or was the art designer a big Judas Priest fan

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 05:22 AM PST

    How CnC3 setting should have been probably developed (in my opinion).

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 12:36 PM PST

    Hey there :) Here goes my vision of CnC3 we should have got back then. Feel free to drop some critics.



    The main protagonist, as usual. Admitted to the fact that the alien invasion was imminent, they have developed a really strong army. They have improved their weaponry towards the trends they got in CnC2. Key concepts:

    • EVA-controlled, pilot-less generation-II walkers: fast, strong, able to climb and jump from higher grounds.
    • Tanks. The concept of the Predator tank is good enough, except for some minor design misconceptions.
    • Hi-end equipped infantry.
    • Spaceships. GDI has built more ships like Kodiak, so one of them is actually available as an in-game super-unit.
    • Airforce is also traditionally strong, tactic bombers are their main force (carpet bombing is also available as an achievement).


    Before facing defeat in CnC:FS, CABAL managed to create a backup copy of itself and stored it inside an underground facility along with multiple clones of Kane. Cyborgs don't sleep, eat or get tired, their objective is clear. In short times they have built lots of fully-automated fabrics deep inside red zones, consuming tiberium from the surface and geo-thermal power from the planet's core. CABAL and Kane are seeking for a rematch and ready to fulfill their destiny of building The Tiberium Future.

    CABAL technology is similar to what NOD had before, except that all their units and buildings are, in fact, cyborgs, more or less anthropomorphic or zoomorphic. As usual, they rely on hit-and-run tactics, stealth and underground. They have some walkers of their own, but the concept is different from what GDI has.


    From my perspective, the concept of Scrin is actually quite well developed in EA's CnC3, except maybe make them less similar to Protoss of StarCraft 2.


    After suffering two defeats (CnC, CnC2), having a temporary alliance with their ideological enemy (CnC2:FS), struggling from losing their cybernetic technology and their tactic computer, NOD mostly failed to recover 😱😱😱. They have lost major support of civilians so they shrank and turned even more religious, started literary worshipping Tiberium and coming alien arrival. They become extremely weak, they had to rely on tech they got left from CnC2 minus all cybernetic stuff.

    They are present in-game, but either as a non-playable, or Scrin-controlled faction.


    As usual, they are a non-playable militia faction that can be met during the campaign. Traditionally, they are poorly equipped, so they are no match for the key factions.


    Actually, the main idea of the original CnC3 plot is quite good, but with few remarks. So, after studying alien artifacts inside their crashed spaceship, people of Earth finally admitted that alien invasion is possible to happen soon. Nevertheless, the progressive part of humanity has managed to start cleaning the planet from the tiberium infestation. At some point they have clashed with CABAL-Kane forces, massively confronted them, which finally dragged Scrin attention, forcing them to invade Earth.

    In-game atmosphere

    GDI versus USSR-NOD war is a long-lasting conflict the planet suffers from a lot, so there are numerous leftovers and ruins of previous battles everywhere on the surface. Lots of CnC2 facilities are still operable, many units are capturable, so there are a lot of fun and nostalgic references to CnC and CnC2 here and there.

    That is basically it, thanks for reading, drop some comments below :)

    submitted by /u/gannochenko
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    Ehm... General Tao?

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 09:11 AM PST

    Command and Conquer 3 Campaign

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 02:25 AM PST

    Hey, all. I have c&c on origin, and have an issue.

    Just wondering if there is a way to scale back the AI in campaigns to a level that isn't shit to deal with lol.

    Same with the Tiberium extraction rates.

    It's annoying trying to play the campaign and running out of resources straight away, or facing dumb AI that turtle with 1000 units.

    submitted by /u/Lazarus_Shade
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    Twisted Insurrection

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 03:32 PM PST

    I need some help. Is there a list or a wiki page anywhere about the TI missions? For both GDI and Nod? I have the game installed, but I wanted to know how many missions there are for both sides, and possible C&C wiki style pages for each mission?

    submitted by /u/Darkfire7881
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    Remasters - Classic Mode / Modern Mode

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 06:13 AM PST

    With the remasters there's undoubtedly gonna be a lot of quality of life changes, but at the same time the more you change, even for the better, the more different it's going to be from the original. And ultimately, the goal is to retain the old school feel. So there's kind of a balancing act. However, the option to turn these things on and off nullifies the need to compromize while at the same time avoids backlash due to difference of opinion.

    Some examples of things I mean are:

    • Unit queueing
    • Double click to select same unit type
    • Hold right mouse button to scroll map
    • Rally points
    • Select building to build units directly from them

    I'm sure there are a lot more things that can be added to that list. I'm thinking these options could be turned on and off individually, except for in the campaigns where I think it might be better to just have the option to simply play it in either Classic/Legacy Mode or Modern/Remastered Mode, and if they for example were to include achievements you could have seperate ones for each mode per campaign.

    If they could include the oldschool UI for Classic Mode it would be pretty neat just for the sake of it. There's also the on/off switch for the old school vs remastered graphics, but I think that should perhaps be its own seperate thing.

    There's also a question whether the options should include things which directly influence gameplay like balance changes, unit behaviour such as improved harvester AI and enemy AI for example because for the campaigns they'd pretty much have to finetune the campaigns individually for each mode, although it would open up for even more unique player experiences and replayability.

    Just some thoughts, let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/Zaptagious
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    The loud house

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 07:58 AM PST

    This morning while having breakfast with my daughter she was watching the Loud house and there was this like espionage like scene and the song search and destroy theme from CnC Generals was playing, I just looked at my daughter and was like "wth" lol, was surprised to hear it anywhere other than the game or my iPad or iPhone

    submitted by /u/IamLava
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    Playing tiberiun sun when I

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:31 PM PST

    Paused the game and have been listening to the soundtrack and seriously enjoying the music!

    submitted by /u/SirgicalX
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    What does the fanbase think about F23s, F22s, and Hornets in Tiberian Dawn?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 11:46 PM PST

    What does the fanbase think about F23s, F22s, and Hornets in Tiberian Dawn?

    These planes are in the game videos. So in the game lore. However how can they be incorporated into the game itself?

    In RA1 the Soviets have airfields as Nod has airstrips in Tib Dawn. So that's possibly where F22s can be deployed, like Soviet MiGs?

    In RA2 the Hornets are launched from Aircraft Carriers. Which also happen to be in Tib Dawn vids.

    But I'm not sure of F23s though, on how they can be used in the game. Perhaps when GDI captures a Nod Airstrip they are made available? Similar to how when Nod captures a GDI helipad, Apaches are made available?

    Just my ideas.

    submitted by /u/Thied
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    If you want to buy Command and Conquer The Ultimate Collectuon this is what it has

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 05:02 PM PST

    Games: Command and Conquer Command and Conquer:The Covert operations Command and Conquer:Red Alert Command and Conquer:Counterstrike Command and Conquer:The Aftermath Command and Conquer:Tiberian Sun Command and Conquer:Firestorm Command and Conquer:Red Alert 2 Command and Conquer:Yuri's Revenge Command and Conquer:Renegade Command and Conquer:Generals Command and Conquer:Zero Hour Command and Conquer 3:Tiberian Wars Command and Conquer 3:Kane's Wrath Command and Conquer:Red Alert 3 Command and Conquer:Uprising Command and Conquer 4:Tiberian Twilight Music: Act on Instinct Just Do It Up Hell March Big Foot Valves Command and Conquer Grinder Destroy Generals Main Theme Search and destroy Mother of All Weapons The Final Hour Mourning Hour Black Dawn Kane's Wrath Act on Instinct In Game Red Alert 3-Soviet March Yuriko's Theme To Save Humanity The End of All Things Notice: EA orgin is required for all of this to download

    submitted by /u/witheringsickness
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