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    Thursday, September 3, 2020

    Command & Conquer A meme about PsiCorps

    Command & Conquer A meme about PsiCorps

    A meme about PsiCorps

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    not the mod we need. but the mod we deserve.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    Since we don't have pre-game screen in Remasters another Quality of Life change could help.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:48 AM PDT

    I'm talking about MCV/ConYard vision range, buffing it up some would really help to recognize what map you got tossed in by the system.

    submitted by /u/Cardener
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    RA Remastered - capturing civilian buildings - feature or bug

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    Without giving too much away, let's just say that I've noticed this used on a certain map in the currenty quickmatch pool by one of the higher ranked players, and I never even suspected it was possible.

    I'm torn between disgust and admiration at this particular move, as it cost me a chance at victory against a highly ranked player :D But really it's a good move as it's within the rules of the game as they currently stand.

    The map I'm referring to has gems in the middle which are otherwise rarely harvested, which makes me think that perhaps this is an intentional feature, or at the very least a fun bug which adds another layer to gameplay on this map.

    But I've only seen it used by one player against me so perhaps it's not widely known.

    submitted by /u/pcqypcqy
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    Hell's General/Generals March: (Generals x Red Alert 3 Mashup)

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    Best zero hour mod

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Preferably a mod to expand the generals challenge thanks all. (Also if it's possible a link to how to install said mod on the origin version cheers)

    submitted by /u/sickdx2
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    A mobile game after my own heart bc its like C&C

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    After idk how many years, I've finally found a mibile game that isnt like risk or a caatle building mmo but has all the tactical RTS elements i desire. The only game I've found that actually feels like Command & Conquer all at your fingertips. Art of War 3. Download it, too, and we'll conquer together!

    Find me too: DMG-Controller


    submitted by /u/dmg-420
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    Need help to decide whether I should purchase The Ultimate Collection or not

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Lately I have installed Generals / ZH again and having completed the campaign and challenges on Hard, I decided to try out Rise of the Reds and Shockwave for the first time. However, I've ran into some problems. Both mods throw an error:
    "You have encountered a serious error. Serious errors can be caused by many things..." etc.

    As I was unable to find a solution for this anywhere on this big thingy called the internet, and found only a few people with a similar problem, I came to the conclusion, that this is caused by my "unofficial" copy of Generals. These "unofficial" copies usually require a modified .exe, which probably screws any mods I am trying to run.

    So I was wondering if I should purchase The Ultimate Collection, but I have several concerns:
    1.) I already own every game the Ultimate Collection has. I have The First Decade, I have CnC3, KW, RA3 and Uprising on Steam. I even have RA2 on Origin as well (got it as an OnTheHouse promotion). The reason I am using an unofficial Generals is that I no longer have a DvD-ROM in my PC. I even have the Remastered Collection!
    2.) As far as I know, modding Generals on Origin requires a third party software. Though this I could swallow, I'm not fond of the idea.
    3.) EA started to sell its games on Steam on which I own most of my games. Origin is dying while Steam and Epic fight atop it's corpse. If I knew EA is moving most of its games to Steam and is about to sell the Ultimate Collection there, then I would purchase it (especially if I could buy the games individually).
    4.) It's very expensive (for me). 40 € /$ for a collection of games out of which I own each (except that abomination of a sequel). I could wait for a sale, but I'm not sure how often does EA have a sale on Origin, if they have at all. I would be solely buying this to be able to mod Generals (though it would nice to have all the games in one collection)
    +1.) I would be ashamed to own CnC4 and fund EA in the process. But then again, I would take this bullet for the greater good.

    In case you are in possession of some magic or vast knowledge about how to run Shockwave or RotR on a cracked copy of Generals, let me know. In before, it's not the option.ini file. I know about that. That is the reason I could play vanilla ZH without a problem. Oh and by the way I run Windows 10.

    TL;DR: Got all CnC games, but no DVD-ROM == No TFC; want to buy TUC to mod Generals. Should I?

    submitted by /u/Zergerge
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    There should be maximum latency limit in Remastered Quick Match

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:21 AM PDT

    While vast majority of the games work just fine, getting a match against someone on the opposite side of globe just end up in miserable experience. It's practically a non-game once you have 2-3 second delay at every single command and some of them not even registering.

    In first season I rarely had this issue outside of extended queue, now it seems to ignore location from get go and just matching you instantly with them. I really hope something would be done about it, as it makes playing games during off hours pretty much impossible when at worst half the games are unplayable. It just end up as a game of cat and mouse where you either deal with the massive lag or hang around in Observe section to see them in game vs someone else to dodge.

    It might be bit unfair for people in less populated regions, but when the games are unplayable to that extent I might as well not play at all when they are laddering.

    submitted by /u/Cardener
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    How does Kane have such an obsession with Tiberium; and even know about it before it's coming?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    I didn't really think people would vote for "Kane = Tiberium Lifeform" but it makes a bit of sense and if you look at the Kane Edition cover for C&C3, he has a reflection of it in his eyes and is completely unharmed by Tiberium.

    We all know Kane's methods; while extreme; are seemingly in humanity's best interest; So it would be an oddity; then, if Kane was a "sentient" Tiberium entity; and wanted only for Humanity to be able to adapt and bind with the substance; much like he himself had.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/TheProphetOftheHelix
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    Not the Mod you need or deserve Part 0. But its the mod you got.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Hello. In my modding days I went by the name Tsumetai.

    This guy(pandaVX) is undersubscribed.

    A recent post shows this guy playing the Condition Red Mod. A mod I agreed to help the mod maker (slye_fox) on but sadly drifted away from modding and left him hanging (Sorry, dude, I'm a bad person and a disappointment.)

    Before that I Made the The Red Alert Mod. This mod was a passion project of mine. I did all the art with coding done by CommieDog. The goal of the mod was to "remaster" Red Alert in 3D with modern conveniences like separate build Queues and rally points which is why the art doesn't have the medium tanks look like bradleys and the light tanks like Abrams etc. despite popular requests from the community.

    Here's PandaVX playing the mod:



    Mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/the-red-alert/downloads/the-red-alert-12-full-version

    submitted by /u/Giammod
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    A mobile game after my own heart bc its like C&C

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:43 PM PDT

    After idk how many years, I've finally found a mibile game that isnt like risk or a caatle building mmo but has all the tactical RTS elements i desire. The only game I've found that actually feels like Command & Conquer all at your fingertips. Art of War 3. Download it, too, and we'll conquer together!

    Find me too: DMG-Controller


    submitted by /u/dmg-420
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    Is the Zero Hour online community dying again?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:07 AM PDT

    I feel as though there have been less players on Zero Hour lately as compared to a month or two ago. Do you think people are going tired of its novelty again after it's mild resurgence? It hurts my heart. I hope I'm wrong.

    Does anyone know of the best time to play? Where there is the most members online? I think I've noticed the most online at around 12pm EST. Any input?

    submitted by /u/SupHomie5
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    C&C Generals Zero Hour: Demolition vs Toxin [Hard] [World Record Speedrun]

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    C & C Remastered - Console Missions - GDI 97' Special Ops 01

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:37 AM PDT

    Ally Ore Trucks Stuck

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Hello. I am playing a skirmish with an ally. There are 4 ore trucks full but they won't drop off the resources at their refinery. How do I make them?

    submitted by /u/SharksFansHavSmallPP
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