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    Wednesday, September 2, 2020

    Command & Conquer Limited Run Collector’s Editions Update

    Command & Conquer Limited Run Collector’s Editions Update

    Limited Run Collector’s Editions Update

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Ten years to go!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:42 PM PDT

    Generals Evolution: GLA Units

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:37 PM PDT

    Fun with the Map Editor

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    So, I always liked to tinker around with Map Editors and Build my own Maps. Either Skirmish Maps for the Original Red Alert, Maps for Railroad Tycoon, Missions for Empire Earth, Small Games in RPG-Maker... I would have loved to be able to make Singleplayer Missions for Red Alert back then, so I was happy to try out the Editor and Tinker around.

    Mission 1:

    Played around with Triggers and stuff to make a simple Evac Mission where you Transport Civilians. I just wanted to learn the Tools and the Triggers. Oof, took a few days to get Triggers to work correctly (And I still can´t get them to work always in the way I intend them to), but well, that´s normal. Takes time to get experience.

    One thing that made me struggle was the way to control Civilians. They had to be a different "Player" so the Triggers would work correctly, same way the Original Game did it (For example in the Counterstrike Mission in Greece where you Evacuate Villages). Boy, that took me a while.

    The annoying Part, tho? I can´t Upload that Mission to the Steam Workshop. I had to Edit the Mission File Manually in the Text Editor, but the Map Editor would always Overwrite my changes and break the Scripts. Oof. The Editor seriously needs some extra Functionality when it comes to the .MPR Files (which are built in a similar Way to the Rules.ini)

    Building the Map is a bit... more Work than it should be. The Original Editor EDWIN had a nice Brush tool and a bigger Selection Window for the Tiles - Would be neat if the Remaster Editor got that too...

    Oh yeah, and for some Reason, Text triggers in this Mission crash the Game. They work in the other Levels I put them in, so... no idea what happened there.

    Mission 2:

    After getting the First Mission to work, I started Work on the Second Mission. Wanted to build something where both the Player and the Enemy build a Base and have big Platoons of Tanks Clash. The Forces the AI sends in the Original Game where a bit underwhelming... altough I found out why they were somewhat small. Because Bigger Groups of Tanks would get Stuck on the Waypoints and stay there. Ooops.

    Good thing though that it´s possible to export Maps from the Game with RAED and look at the Scripts in the Remaster Editor. That helped me a lot getting stuff to work. Altough not everything is explained that well... the "All Bridges Destroyed" Trigger Event doesn´t accept every Bridge as a Bridge... which was a bit confusing. Oh well, but I guess having two different Classes of Bridges, Triggerwise, gives people more Options in the Mission Design.

    Mission 3:

    Things are going smoothly now. In this Mission, the Goal is to Defend your Base for 30 Minutes. Making sure the Patrols work properly and the Attacking Forces are both Big enough to pose a Threat and small enough to not get them Stuck was a bit of a challenge. When it comes to sending units along waypoints and getting some consistency... Red Alert isn´t necessarily your best bet. The Attacking Groups were always a bit wonky and unstable because the AI can´t handle big groups and pathfinding very well... but it works mostly, so, fine I guess. Except the Helicopters on the Helipad. They love Ignoring the "Create Team" Trigger Event and stay on the Helipads, doing nothing and getting high on Exhaust fumes. I wonder what i screwed up there...

    Mission 4:

    This one was supposed to be a Commando Mission. The Map had some Resistance Groups scattered all over the Place... which worked fine and dandy. Except the Colors. I don´t know why the Game does that. Is it Hardcoded? The Map has Forces from different "Players" on it - USSR and Turkey display the correct Colors, making them visually different. But France and Ukraine? France gets the same Color as the Player, Ukraine gets the Same Color as the USSR. That makes things rather confusing. No Idea why the Game does that, everything looks fine in the Editor. Oof.

    Oh well, The Experience was still fun. Tinkering around with the Game was neat; there are not many helpful Manuals around, but looking at stuff with the Help of RAED and an Old Mission Creation Guide from 1997 was enough to figure things out. Now I´m lookinh forward to build more Missions, and hopefully I get the triggers to work better - especially the damn Map Triggers are hella unstable. Or maybe I´m just too confused. :)

    Oh, and I wish the Steam workshop had a category for Singleplayer Missions - It´s not easy to find stuff for Red Alert that isn´t a Skirmish Map. I´d love to play some Missions other People made for Red Alert, so if anyone has recommendations, I´d love to hear them!

    submitted by /u/Shettyhengst
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    Need a Recommendation

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:52 PM PDT

    I have been wanting to return to this series for a long time but haven't had my own PC or Laptop. Need some help picking one out so that I can get back into it. I don't really know what my options are so any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/cdub114
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    The nod ending

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    So the nod ending doesn't make sense to me. You blow up a land mark with the ion cannon and then they go into the news reel. BUT. Unlike the GDI campaign they still talk about the UN being a thing and America still having a Congress. Isn't the UN the GDI? Isn't it implied America is in the GDI? All nod has is some nukes and Africa? I suppose it makes more sense in Sun. O well. Also I'm 32 years old and I've finally beat all the campaigns. My 12 year old self would be so happy.

    submitted by /u/JDman460
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    Tiberium Crisis Error Message Online

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Me and a mate of mine are trying to play this awesome Mod Online together and we keep getting a Chinese Error Message, anyone know a fix?


    submitted by /u/watboschitt
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    Red Alert 2 Mission Strategies

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:31 PM PDT

    What is everyone's go to strategies? When I was younger and played I tried to just rush bases with tanks, infantry, etc. Now I've found how effective it can be to do bombing runs ahead of time.

    I'm playing through the allied campaign and just beat the Florida Keys level without actually building a chronoshpere. I just did bombing runs to take out the nuclear plants then went for the silos. I was surprised it actually said 'Mission Accomplished' even though I didn't build a chronosphere!

    submitted by /u/Starship08
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    Command & Conquer's Forgotten Gem & Free "Sequel"

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:27 AM PDT

    No Mercy/Deception - Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey clips

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 06:11 AM PDT

    As most of you probably already know, the original versions of 'No Mercy' and 'We Will Stop Them Now/Deception' in Tiberium Dawn contained clips from Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, specifically:

    No Mercy
    "With the aid of my secret weapons"
    "No longer will the world be dominated by the legacy of these [two] fools"

    We Will Stop Them Now / Deception
    "We will stop them now"
    "[Brothers and sisters], are we ready?"
    "Now what is your mission?"

    Some clips from the movie where these appear: 1 & 2.

    In the remaster, the Bill & Ted clips have been removed from 'No Mercy' (both OST and Tiberian Sons versions) and replaced with lines from the Tiberian Sun campaign. I initially figured this was due to licensing restrictions, but strangely the clips still appear in 'We Will Stop Them Now/Deception'.

    Does anyone know why the lines were specifically changed for 'No Mercy' and not 'We Will Stop Them Now/Deception'?

    submitted by /u/JamesMarriott
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    This a video of how to download mods on red alert 3. as I got this question asked on my comment section and since majority of my traffic comes from reddit. I thought someone might have the same question here too.

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:20 AM PDT

    Is there any good C&C communities I can join?

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    Hello there Comrades! I am a RTS youtuber (Panda VX). you probably have seen my posts from last week. I am playing Red Alert 3 videos at the moment. I am trying to grow and I joined this subreddit along with other Facebook pages. but I feel the community is not as big as I expected. I would love to engage more in C&C communities. If you know any other community please let me know.

    submitted by /u/ahmxxad
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    Would anyone be interested in a better OpenRA?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:01 PM PDT

    Many OpenRA players surely remember the 2-3 year period of CG420 or CatGirls420 maps. Overall consensus was 2 things:

    In the "fun/cancer" versions: overall feedback says it was fun. Played every day, multiple times a day.

    In the "balance" versions: same as above, and, the game ended up being better balanced than the base game.

    Long story short, I had a falling out with the devs, and even as mean and condeming they were of me and my ideas (for no good reason) they ended "stealing" a lot of my ideas to implement in the base game anyway and pulling influence from my content.

    I considered releasing my own version of OpenRA based on the overwhelming feedback and joy my maps brought people, until CNC Remaster was announced.

    Recently, I thought, "well, people still play openra, so maybe it'll be worth my time".

    If anyone happens to be unfamiliar with these maps or my content I can happily host them upon request. Then let me know what you think!

    If you do remember these maps, please let me know if you'd like to see a CG420 version.

    The CG420 version of the game would have 3 versions, all available via ingame options, sort of like the remaster:

    -openra vanilla balance

    -cg420 better balance

    -fun unbalance

    As well as:

    -heavy performance optimization

    -p2p map downloads (not relying on a central download hub)

    -better authorization system, and better privacy and security for those who dont wish to create an account

    -a staff/dev/moderation team that doesnt play favorites and doesnt treat people like dirt for no good reason

    -an actual open, welcoming game, especially by my staff/team unlike the OpenRA devs

    -punishing trolls and extremely bad behavior, instead of encouraging it like the OpenRA devs do


    (And yeah some community members stole my ideas and influence even after talking shit about it, kind of funny tbh)

    submitted by /u/IllogicalLogic420
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    "Modern Balance" - balance TD/RA through pricing, not unit stats. ONLY FOR MP!

    Posted: 02 Sep 2020 12:19 AM PDT

    I'm an RA player, so I'll be talking mainly about RA but a lot may apply to TD.

    Most players of the online community probably wouldn't wanna see units changed in any way. But I guess most of us would agree that the game could need a little more diversity in terms of strats and unit usage.

    Most of you probably played counter strike. In CS, the devs didn't really have to put up the time to balance weapon stats against each other so that any weapon has its place. They simply change its pricing. Stronger weapons cost more, weak weapons cost less.

    in RA, units aren't balanced against each other either by their stats nor by their pricing.

    3 rifles (100 each) can kill a ranger (600) each. A ranger should hard counter rifles. If it can't it should be cheap. Make it 300-400?

    An APC (800) has half the HP of a medium tank, deals pretty much no damage at all and is hardly viable even for engi rushing as it takes forever to unload 4 or 5 people. So I'd cut the price in half for this aswell.

    Rocket inf is 300. yet a single medium tank is capable of killing 10 of them before it dies. That's 3000$ of value destroyed with 800$. Rockets should counter tanks. Their only use is outranging some defense buildings and antiair as the stationary AA for both factions is near useless. Don't make them any more expensive than grenadiers, as grenadiers are way more versatile for most actions anyway.

    V2s are 700. You'll never ever see them used on a standard map. The only situation where they're kinda useful is on gem or infinite money maps when you're trying to push a wall of teslas. Killing defense buildings or inf bubbles is their only purpose and you mostly don't see any of those in the normal match. Make V2s 300. And the same goes for the arty. That unit is almost entirely useless, even if it would be for free, so I'd not go beyond 300 on this one aswell.

    These are just some examples.

    What would be your opinion on this?

    submitted by /u/GodMeyo
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    How can we expand the player base for the Remastered Collection?

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:41 PM PDT

    Any ideas on how to bring in new players? Has anyone heard if there is any plans in the works to bring in new players? I've heard folks saying they should do a free multiplayer only version, that would be cool but I don't see it happening.

    submitted by /u/Kirball904
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    Were there ever plans for more C&C 3 expansion packs

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 11:55 PM PDT

    I remember playing Kane's Wrath and enjoying it but feeling it seemed a bit short and was quite surprised that they made a Nod only expansion - I really thought there would be at least a GDI expansion.

    Has anyone heard if EA ever thought of doing another one or what their reasons were for Kane's Wrath?

    submitted by /u/AranGar5
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    C & C Remastered - Covert Operations - Nod Death Squad (Hard)

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:56 PM PDT

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