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    Monday, September 21, 2020

    Command & Conquer Troopers ready for action!

    Command & Conquer Troopers ready for action!

    Troopers ready for action!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    My first Steam game for which I completed 100% achievements. Been a fun 3 months, I am now ready for the TS & RA2 remaster. Take my money EA and make them happen!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:40 AM PDT

    Steam Sale: 25% off C&C Remastered

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:56 PM PDT

    I saw it went on sale so I thought I should post this for those that haven't pulled the trigger yet


    submitted by /u/viper1511
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    You're goin' dirt tastin'!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:05 AM PDT

    EXCLUSIVE September Patch Interview!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:01 AM PDT

    Good thing they're cheap

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    Open question

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    I would fully understand if the question I am about to ask does not get an answer, but bluntly.. I have to ask:

    Given the fact that the remaster is very well received, Is EA planning on releasing more content in the form of another remaster and/or new game under the C&C flag?

    submitted by /u/Bunz3l
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    TFD yuri's revenge help

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    Hey. I got the first decade, and installed it on my mac with porting kit. It works fine, but CNCnet does not run. Anyone know a way to run CNCnet on porting kit? Thanks.

    submitted by /u/banaface2520
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    Questions on TW & RA3

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Hi everyone,

    I've been trying to get back into CNC and I saw that Sybert consistently covers Red Alert 3 and Tib Wars. What's strange is his client runs at 60fps and sometimes he mentions balance patches that just came out. Is this a mod that everyone uses now?

    submitted by /u/lqd_consecrated2718
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    C&C5 spitballing.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    Joseph D. Kucan/Kane mentioned something along the lines of "Taking place across multiple worlds, in space, maybe you'd have some way to 'spike' tiberium on a planet and use it to setup a base of operations," This may be interesting but could be a clusterfuck in gameplay terms; and easier to do for the campaign.Here's what I think in basic generalities:

    • C&C4 is acknowledged, however there are alterations; adressed in a lower point.
    • The game starts with the GDI Mini-Campaign, wherein they're in the last days of the war against the Scrin, and they're absolutely losing. Earth is on the cusp of falling; though something is about to happen that gives them the upper hand.; GDI's campaign is most like a traditional RTS.
    • Scrin is the other initially available campaign; It's revealed they could have glassed the planet; but they're not immidiately exterminating humans for a multitude of reasons; One, they're impressed they have held out this long, Two, one of the major purposes of this invasion is to collect more information on Kane. Where the GDI campaign was to ease the player in, the Scrin campaign would have advanced factors such as a meta-game similar to C&C3KW's Conquest; except there are permanent "nodes" on the map for each main campaign mission. Some of these nodes are hidden as secret missions! They ultimately stumble on a horrifying revelation.
    • Nod is the full-scale campaign where most of the common stuff is thrown out the window. Now you have a view of not just a solar system; but other planetary systems as well; Nobody has seen kane in decades within the ascended Brotherhood; but they were left with a sole directive: Uplift others as you have been Uplifted; Peace through Unity, after all. The Brotherhood now conducts operations across many worlds; using Tiberium in their operations; Once a force comprised primarily of humans; the Campaign version of Nod would have a huge array of customizable units; You could not possibly take on every mission; and each world and it's missions that you complete gives you new tech options depending on what extraterrestrial species has been integrated into the Brotherhood of Nod; They are doing this to counter-attack the Scrin invasion on Earth; and to repel them in other places; though Nod is ultimately still deeply connected with Tiberium; The Nod campaign also has branching paths, and depending on the ending you get; has serious implications; Nod's base is also unique in that almost every structure can uproot and basically just fuck off to another spot on the map whenever they want; though they lose most of their functionality; Production structures cannot build, Power plants provide no power; and Harvester Efficiency is severely hampered due to the refinery scuttling about; This is also, in-universe, explicitly stated to also be "a tactic to just make the enemy less efficient not just through the base sprouting legs and walking off; but the sheer agitation such a thing would cause to the enemy making them unable to think clearly and make foolish mistakes in Nod's favor", Nod takes a liking to tapping into enemy comms just to hear their enemys scream in rage whenever this happens. It's very funny to them.
    • Crawlers exist but they're reworked; You still build a base; but the Crawler MKII is more like a traditional MCV; however it can be customized and upgraded; and in multiplayer terms; would be the unit that ultimately says the most about the enemy player's commander, their play-style, and personality; and can now be more reliably incorporated into your forces instead of being just a means of extending your base; though plopping an outpost right ontop of your enemy's doorstep is a common thing. They're basically not the end-all-be-all like in C&C4; but they are significantly more flexible than in C&C:TD to C&C:TW; and Nod has taken a liking into this; as to them, it made no sense to litter bases everywhere if you were just going to be going somewhere else very shortly anyways.
    submitted by /u/TheProphetOftheHelix
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    Random Idea For C&C+Red Alert Sequel

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    Just some random ideas that somehow got into my head.

    I know that it has 99% of chance of not being noticed by EA nor that the company will ever create a sequel to the series, but well...

    I think that the next instalment of the C&C series should be a fusion of the Red Alert franchise + the Tiberian one; whereas the timeline from Tiberian Twilight of Kane leaving Earth caused the Scrim to destroy humanity, defeating the few remaining troops of GDI (from the previous war against NOD). So, as a motif from Red Alert, humanity manages as a last ditch effort to go back in time to the era of Tiberian Dawn, and try to change the current events so that Tiberian Twilight's timeline never even comes to reality. The game will be basically a giant "Rebuild" of ALL C&C: Tiberian + Red Alerts, taking the player through all the most important missions of each franchise, with altered elements, objectives and characters, until the "new part" actually kicks off, whereas the humanity will actually fight the Scrim threat and either defeat it or be defeated (maybe alternative endings? or perhaps 2 different sides to take).

    All of the "relived" missions should, obviously, be remade in EA's most updated engine for the matter (maybe a revamped version of C&C:4's engine? I mean, despite all of the game's con, the graphics were actually pretty good).

    I guess that's it? Well, that's my idea for the last C&C sequel, since it'd be even more unrealistic to think that EA would keep the franchise alive for more than a few years to come. IMO it could work like a Starcraft 2, being the "ultimate" version of the game that constantly receives MP balance updates and such. Tell me what you think about it;.

    submitted by /u/4procrast1nator
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