• Breaking News

    Friday, December 18, 2020

    Command & Conquer Yep another overrated joke about Cryo-control portraited by these 2 women

    Command & Conquer Yep another overrated joke about Cryo-control portraited by these 2 women

    Yep another overrated joke about Cryo-control portraited by these 2 women

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:09 AM PST

    still powerful without them guns

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Kane in the Last Supper

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 02:01 AM PST

    Don't underestimate kassad

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 05:53 PM PST

    who has awakened me

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:22 AM PST

    Does anyone remember if in tiberium wars you could build more than one super weapon?

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:50 AM PST

    I remember when around the time that it first came out that you could build more than one ION cannon. But I could be wrong because I was super young when it came out.

    submitted by /u/A_Real_Patriot99
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    Red Alert Remastered - Retaliation Soviet Game Movie

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 11:01 AM PST

    CNC Remaster: Cascao (GDI) vs Aaron_ (GDI) - The "Everything" GDI Mirror

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 08:06 AM PST

    Nod and GDI watches

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Cabbage patch dancing Kane and clickbait enjoy!

    Posted: 17 Dec 2020 06:59 PM PST

    Unpopular opinion: Looking back at it, the remaster is a fail to me.

    Posted: 18 Dec 2020 04:49 AM PST

    I'm aware that I belong to the small percentage of players that was trying to keep this game alive but I'm also aware that this small percentage of players has more ingame hours combined than the majority of campaign players combined do.

    I'm quite convinced that i'll pass on any future Command & Conquer remaster and I'll tell you why (if you don't care, don't read it).

    You can judge me for that, but I didn't buy the remaster to play the exact same campaign than I did in '97. I did play some missions but for the most part I bought the game because I like the multiplayer of the two original CnC games.

    I gotta say that most of the changes to the multiplayer balance were a good thing, but there's 100 reasons for why I hate this multiplayer.

    1. When my .exe is running, I spend at least as much time in the UI searching for lobbies and trying to get games starting as I do actually playing the game. How you can fuck up a lobby system THAT simple so that it lags behind like 10 seconds is absolutely beyond me. I've not managed to start an 8 player match below 5 minutes ever. The target audience of this game are people in the early middle ages who mostly have limited time infront of their pc for numerous reasons. The fact that I can sometimes only play a single match that lasts 10 minutes when I have like 30 minutes to spare makes me regret booting up the game in the first place. It's also more than obvious how EA is shutting down more and more servers as this problem got way worse over the last couple weeks.

    2. The stability - Apparently, the remaster can handle WAY less units on the field than the original can. People are constantly whining over people simply rushing tanks ever game. I mostly do that, not because I have so much fun doing it, but if you start the game slow and let the unit count rise before actually doing something, you can be pretty sure the game will run at 25% speed and be unresponsive as fuck. Every single click takes 1 or more seconds to register or it'll even lose responsiveness for like half a minute and then fast forwards to catch up. Players, especially the casual ones love bulding big armies and fight in CnC. The remaster made exactly this an absolute pain in the ass which is why I constantly keep my unit count low by constantly attacking.

    The sidebar/radar/UI in general is also making this game fully unplayable on my surface pro (which I play CnC3 just fine on). I can plaster complete arena valley with infantry in the original Red Alert on this surface pro and the game will still run at 60 fps. The remaster will simply not respond anymore beyond a specific unit count. And the fact that I can watch the replays of such 8 player/high unit count games on said surface pro @ 60fps (when I disable the ingame UI(Sidebar)) this just proves that the performance is beyond bad. How can the fuckin UI be more demanding to the client that the actuall engine...

    1. There is no compensation of lag which makes 2 players on the same server having two absolute different experiences. The game can run just fine and at normal speed on one client and be absolute ass on the other client. The server will not register an attack order that you've made on your client, if the target moved away from the tile. This makes this the only game I've played in 10 years that doesn't have this feature (apart from racing games) which is basically the requirement for somewhat fun and fair online gaming.

    These things make the experience playing multiplayer more frustrating than entertaining for the most part.

    Meanwhile, in CnCNet, at a third of the playercount, I can get into games multiple times faster as the lobbies are actually responsive. The game will run fine even with 400 units on the field and if it lags, it doesn't lag even half as bad as the remaster does, it also just slows the game down for EVERYONE by the same amount and you have a consistenly slower game instead of the slow-fast-slow-fast shitshow you have in the remaster. The client will also remember ANY order you've made, no matter your latency. The remaster is the first game in my life that makes dedicated server gaming actually WORSE than listen server gaming as the original CnCs are offering.

    I've spent so much time in the QM-ladder, you'd have to guess that my 20€ investment were justified. But 90% of that time I was bored the fuck out as I got matched against players who literally had no idea how to play the game while I was in the top 30. Meaning 90% of my matches were over sub 5 minutes and I don't see any reason of artificially lengthen the game if the outcome is the same.

    The sad part is that Petroglyph really did a great job of fixing so many issues/bugs, listened to feedback and we got a lot of the things we wanted. But in my opinion, all of this has gone to waste when the foundation of the game is garbage.

    It's more than obvious that this is a low budget product. Petroglyph achieved a lot for the budget they were given, but it's not enough for me to justify buying a potential RA2 or whatever remaster.

    You might think different, but I think it's highly questionale that the original RA2 has a higher playercount in Multiplayer only than both remastered titles have combined in singleplayer AND multiplayer combined. That doesn't really speak FOR the remaster. You can go ahead and tell me that's just because RA2 was the better game but I won't believe it.

    submitted by /u/GodMeyo
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