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    Command & Conquer GDI Zone Trooper

    Command & Conquer GDI Zone Trooper

    GDI Zone Trooper

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:03 PM PDT

    Xbox 360 been sitting in lobby for 2 hours waiting :(

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 11:43 PM PDT

    So, I edited my silly Yuri's and brainless conscripts mini comic. Sorry for double posting.

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 05:22 PM PDT

    My opinion about C&C:Rivals - The potential good mobile game that got ruined by EA greed and lack of fan base understanding

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 03:27 PM PDT

    This had been stuck in my head for a long time but today I have a feeling to share my thought and I want to hear your guys thought about it too so I decide to write this post.

    TLDR : I think Rivals is good mobile game in term of design and mechanic but the unit level system is what make the game unenjoyable and it seems to be designed to purposely annoy the players into spending money making the game feels like a cash grab from EA.

    Disclaimer :

    • I will refer C&C:Rivals as "Rivals" in the post.

    • Most of my C&C:Rivals experience are around 2-3 months after officials release so my point of discussion will base on that timeframe.

    • My highest rank in Rivals is at master league before I quit. The overall unit level in deck that I use is lvl8-9 (IIRC)

    • English isn't my first language so if there is any mistake in writing feels free to correct me I would be appreciate it.

    The lack of fan base understanding

    So Let's start with the very obvious point. The lack of fan base understanding from EA.

    I don't know why EA thought it was a good idea to promote Rivals as the "Next generation of C&C" when the franchise clearly has the PC players as their main fan base. It's definitely going to upset the game fan base and that is the last thing you want to happen to your game. Hell, They even go full retard by saying that "The fans don't know what they want" like wtf are you trying to archive with that statement.

    So the first impression is already bad because of the stupid marketing decision that EA made. So the only hope for Rivals now is the game itself have to be good but is it though?

    Is Rivals actually good?

    It's maybe unpopular opinion but IMO Rivals mechanic are good for mobile game. Yes, it is really inferior compare to the previous C&C in franchise but it has to be that way because it's a mobile game. You can't compare it directly to PC game. And it's a very few pvp base mobile game that I can say it has enough mechanic to be consider "strategic". Your control, strategy and game knowledge are all matter. It takes skill and practice in order to succeed in combat. I actually enjoy playing with their combat system until I start to realize the bullshit system in it and it ruin every joy I had in the game.

    The goddamn unit level system

    This thing is the main reason I lose all the joy I had in Rivals and decide to entirely quit this game. It's such a bullshit system to add into the game that has been advertise as "competitive game". I don't see the good from this system at all and it also ruin the good point of the game. For example :

    • It ruin the game knowledge - like I said before, game knowledge matter. But the unit level made all of your knowledge become useless because it can change when unit level is different. In some situation only one level different is all it takes to completely change the outcome of battle.

    • It ruin the deck creativity - For those who didn't play Rivals, You didn't have access to all of your unit in a match but instead you have to create your own "Deck" which basically is a set of units that you will be able to use in a match. It's actually kinda fun to experiment and try to come up with you own "ultimate deck" or play different strategy with your own unique deck, etc. But in reality, you pretty much have to play exclusively only 1 or 2 decks. Why? because of unit level. Sure, you can just put the level 1 unit in a level 10 deck but that unit will be severely underpower against a level 9-10 unit that you will be up against. So this unit level system is pretty much kill the creativity and encourage players to stick to "META" build and it make most of the match played in the same way.

    And this unit level might not be that much of a problem if leveling unit isn't so goddamn grindfest unless you spend a shitload on money into the game. I play for like 2-3 months with all the daily quest and shit done almost everyday and I still only have total of 14-16 units that are at lvl8-9 (and the max out unit level is at lvl15). And to make it even worse if you decide to spend money to max out your unit upgrade it will cost you almost the same price as AAA game per unit.

    Also the game matchmaking is making this problem even worse because once you start to doing well when climbing the rank the game will match you against someone who has unit level higher than you. It doesn't make any sense for "competitive game" to have you fight the battle that you start out at disadvantage. Why don't they just match me against higher rank player with same unit level when I start to doing well against people in the same rank.

    This unit level system is really make me feels like it was design to encourage the player to spend the money into the game with the least effort and in the most scummy way. They constantly match you with the opponent that have higher unit level when you're doing well. I used to play with lvl7 unit deck and I start to get opponent with lvl8 unit and when I upgrade my deck to lvl8 suddenly all of my lvl8 opponent are gone and now I often go up against lvl9. It just scream out that they design it to be this way to purposely annoy the player into spending money which I think it's such a dishonest way to encourage your customer to spending money on your product.

    In the end, It's such a shame to see that EA actually has people that are competent and have ability to create good games but they decide to ruin everything by trying to squeeze as much money as possible from the game they create with any means possible and treat the fans and player base like they are a money bag rather than a customer that you are suppose to satisfy.

    submitted by /u/1-2-fuck_you
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    What's your favorite track from the C&C remastered soundtrack?

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 04:43 PM PDT

    When you find the one GDI loyalist at your YouTube channel :D

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 04:57 AM PDT

    What are the things you love/hate about Red Alert 3?

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 09:48 PM PDT

    The things i dislike about Red Alert 3:

    1. The change of economy management, i love the simplicity, but having 1 harvester for each resource is a pain, once you lose 1 harvester and an oil derrick, is hard to regain back your economy.
    2. What happened to all of the Gems? In Tiberium Wars you still got Blue Tiberium as your 2nd resource. But in RA3, your 2nd resource is dependent on Oil Derricks.. and that's about it.
    3. Unit & tech changes, Spy, Spies are definitely useless, they can only disable buildings, and steal money. Spy would have been more beneficial if we can unlock special units.

    Cryo tech units, Cryocopters are great, but Cryo Legionnaire change from Chrono Legionnaire? They are more annoying in RA3.

    Desolator, instead of causing AOE, they can only drop poison balls, that has a short range.

    Proton Collider, might as well just replace it with a Cryo+Ion Canon superweapon instead.

    4) Base building, i like how every faction has their unique base building, but Allied base building feels kind of pointless if you want to expand an outpost, and you have to upgrade it from 1st tech to 2nd tech, is such a waste of money and time.

    5) Sub-factions, Sub-factions have always been part of Red Alert series, why remove it?

    The things i like about Red Alert 3:

    1. Naval combat - very satisfying, plus the addition to build on water.
    2. Attack Dogs and Attack Bears, these scouting units are very useful with their addition to swim on water.
    3. The SP Campaign is entertaining, but not to a level of C&C. In most C&C SP story, you have a balance between funny and serious. In RA3, the characters tries so hard to make a joke.
    4. Co-op Commanders, Co-Commander system is very useful if you're playing offline, if only most RTS got this feature. But the downside, is when you're playing the Campaign and you're sharing Economy, in most occasions when I'm not building any units, the AI constantly builds too much units, till both of our Economy goes to 0. If only these were separated.
    5. Empire of the Rising Sun base building, i love that you have to freedom to build anywhere.

    Share what you like about Red Alert 3.

    submitted by /u/drarkpixel96
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    Red Alert Global League is coming to an end in OpenRA, Finals are starting soon for anyone who's interested in competitive Red Alert!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2021 06:30 AM PDT


    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 06:20 PM PDT

    I'm trying to do all 9 generals challenges on hard, so far infantry is the worst. I hate her. This isn't so much of a discussion as it is a rant. Tbh I'm surprised she doesn't have A10s or the moab, nuke migs, and demo rebel ambush

    submitted by /u/Entire-League-3362
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    Found a real strange glitch while I was playing Testing Grounds.

    Posted: 29 Mar 2021 05:29 PM PDT

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