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    Friday, November 1, 2019

    Command & Conquer Custom Box Cover for Twisted Insurrection (WIP)

    Command & Conquer Custom Box Cover for Twisted Insurrection (WIP)

    Custom Box Cover for Twisted Insurrection (WIP)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:25 AM PDT

    cnc3 cover used on a dollar toy gun, look at the small images

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    Red Alert 3 Reloaded

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:35 AM PDT

    I was a big fan of CannisRule's Balance of Power for Yuri's Revenge and I think I found the Red Alert 3 equivalent in Reloaded. It has the Uprising units plus more. So far, I like the balanced feel.

    submitted by /u/Ottenhoffj
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    I posted this as a longer comment somewhere else but I thought it should be shared. My opinion/thinking about C&C Remastered

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 05:30 AM PDT

    This is a direct quote of my comment:

    Oh I'm not saying new content is wrong. I'm saying right now it's the wrong time for it.

    This C&C Version is like tipping your toe into the water to find out if you would enjoy it (or if it's too cold/hot) or not and how to proceed then.

    What was the first AoE2 remaster? The "HD" one or? Did it actually featured a lot new content or were it overhauled graphics/textures, generally better looking & stuff like improved resolutions? And yes, I know they released DLCs for it but that's for now irrelevant.

    The thing is, people got on this whole thing here with completely odd expectations. It seems to me that a lot here expected that it would be like... let's say C&C3 TW/KW with significantly better graphics.

    That wouldn't be a remastering. It's more an adoption. A game taking it's inspiration from its anchestors.

    Look. I'm all for overhauling/remastering games. Heck, I fckn love Gearbox for what they did with Homeworld 1 & 2.

    But .. every game. Every franchise/IP needs to find its own way. Needs it own love. Because they are unique in theire own way. Because we love & remember them for different reasons.

    Generalizations/Expactations purely based on "other games" is wrong for this, still slowly, evolving Genre.

    Don't interpret this wrong.

    A remastering of TW/KW wouldn't mean to me to just add better environment & more visible destruction on e.g. buildings. At that point people should expect to get additional content, maps, mod service, additional campaigns featuring different views (basically what KW did with its campaign) and maybe rebalancing (what was anyway done a lot on TW)

    But that's, if it's getting green lighted, years into it. Years into a slowly growing development.

    Since I read the first announcement of this C&C I wasn't really sure what to actually expect. What they were aiming for. But I had hope & trust. And they chose an interesting way. They maye decision we should actually show some respect for because they didn't chose they way a lot here seemed to expect. They tried to find a way to really honor what was released upon the world in '95.

    Should we be sceptical? Of course. But that's not unique to this here. It's a mentality we should have for everything. But to me it's seems we started to get stuck. Stuck on our expectations. Stuck onto the "mainstream thinking". That we feel uncomfortable if anything is slightly different.

    Heck. I LOVE the concept/idea to switch over to the original game at any time. It surely isn't a new thing. But it's probably one of the best ways to respect the original game.

    Should we give them feedback? Hell yes. This. This here is a fantastic chance. But we shouldn't "judge this book". This new chapter in the story of C&C purely "by it's cover."

    Constructive feedback is the way to go. Long term. And EA? They need to find theire own way between making decisions & letting feedback influence it.

    A lesson that Eugen System learned the hard way. Keyword "Act of Aggression". The attempt to combine nostalgia by grabbing up an old franchise/idea, spinning it further and getting the whole game heavily influenced (in terms of mechanics) by the gamers. They chose a way. But made wrong decision by e.g. getting mostly feedback from professional gamers instead of also casuals. I don't know if someone of EA will read this but if you should look at one game. Look at Act of Aggression and it's anchestor Act of War.

    submitted by /u/Zitter_Aalex
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    Need help with Twisted Insurrection map, Fields of Green, first GDI campaign.

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    Normally I wouldn't ask for a strategy and just figure it out myself, but even on EASY I'm bleeding credits like a siv. Am I building the wrong units? Am I building too man Tib harvesters? Do I let the base to the south just get wiped so I have less to deal with?

    Anyone else find the mission ridiculously challanging?

    submitted by /u/Kpenney
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    Intense game Feat. ALLIED vs YURI

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 08:26 AM PDT

    Red Alert 3 Beginner's Guide: Engineers

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    Red Alert: A Path Beyond Dev Blog (1 November 2019)

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 02:19 PM PDT

    Red Alert: A Path Beyond Dev Blog (1 November 2019)

    News from W3D Hub regarding Red Alert: A Path Beyond. An update will be coming soon though in the meantime, please come check out our Dev Blog of the latest changes that will be implemented. Water effects tweaked, Battlefield Unit Reference for players new and old, and more!

    - FRAYDO

    APB Dev Blog (1 November 2019)


    submitted by /u/HELLOFRAYDO
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    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 01:07 AM PDT

    Will there be this time a range in difficulty level? I would like to play it on super hard

    submitted by /u/Robinho295
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    Generals USA Soundtrack request

    Posted: 01 Nov 2019 03:56 AM PDT

    USA Campaign Mission 1,when the Raptors is patroling then got shut down by Stinger Missiles, then those Crusaders and Scorpions lined up, what is the music played in the background? i can't seem to find anywhere in the Internet and even in the Game Files.

    submitted by /u/ReanuKeeeves
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    This is my personal gaming playlist for Command and Conquer games. Hope you enjoy it and also give it a try [OC]

    Posted: 31 Oct 2019 05:46 PM PDT

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