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    Tuesday, December 24, 2019

    Command & Conquer When ST decides they wants to go to the field ;P

    Command & Conquer When ST decides they wants to go to the field ;P

    When ST decides they wants to go to the field ;P

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 06:56 AM PST

    Remastered C&C: Generals Wallpapers (4K & 4:3) by CCHyper

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 10:54 AM PST

    Remastered C&C: Generals Wallpapers (4K & 4:3) by CCHyper




    Hi all!

    I have made wallpapers for C&C, RA, TibSun and RA2, but nothing yet for Generals! This collection of wallpapers is a accurate recreation and remaster of the official wallpaper released by EA back in 2002, but now in 4K!

    To be able to complete these, I had to recreate the faction logos and the Generals logo as they were not available in hi-res. I also took the chance to employ some creative freedom and give the faction logos larger. You can find the original wallpapers released by EA for comparison at: https://cncnz.com/gallery/cc-generals-wallpapers/, they were only 1024x768!

    As usual, they are available in 4:3 2048x1536 and 16:9 UHD/4k!

    You can grab them right here: https://imgur.com/gallery/5Oz0yV6

    Merry Christmas and Enjoy!


    Thanks to /u/Nyerguds and tomsons26 for help tracking down the original hi-quality screenshots.

    submitted by /u/cchyper88
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    Controversial opinion: C&C 3 KW and RA3 are not shite even compared to TS Firestorm and RA2 respectively

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 02:46 PM PST

    I may be biased because I played the Red Alert 2 when i was like 4-6 at around the time vanila Red Alert 3 launched, which I spent A Whole Lot Of Time on; and only played Kane's Wrath recently. But in all honesty, I find the newer games more simple to read and get into, whereas the classic ones (by technical inferiority probably) look weird.

    All units look to be kind of the same and the scale is off. You cannot expect a Juggernaut, a massive triple-barrel artillery walker to be smaller then a Titan, akin more to a Wolverine. Stealth tanks are just awkward in Tiberium Sun, but are fine in Tiberium Wars. (and these are just some of the examples).

    Obviously from a technical standpoint the comparison is not fair (2001 vs 2007), but it is an aspect nonetheless.

    It is true that the classics have more mods and user-created content, I cannot deny that, but still.

    Despite that I would even dare to suggest the newer ones are better for a number of reasons:

    1. high ground is much more pronounced, thus it is easier to play around versus having to guess/count tiles between you and your target
    2. it still goes to technological superiority, but directional unit armor and movement speed reduction based on damage state raise the skill ceiling by keeping the game humanly perceivable, instead of increasing game speed to ludicrous levels.
    3. Air and Naval combat appear to be better, not only because they are more threatening now, but also because yourNaval Yards are able to produce some ground units (Riptide ACV/Tsunami Tanks/Bullfrogs), allowing for flexible transitions. All Air builds are actually possible by introducing gunships that don't need to rearm, again, allowing you so switch to and from Air Support and All Air. There is that ability for you to set up your base fully on water, which is more options you have access to, that's good.
    4. Global Powers add another layer to your strats, because they have saved my ass many times, but have also caused me to lose not an insignificant number of games
    5. This is more of a balance thing, but having the little repair bots at your War Factory/Naval Yard/Airfield versus a dedicated structure rewards you for saving individual units much earlier then otherwise. Think about it, in the new games if you can produce a unit you benefit from keeping it alive; in the classic ones you need to invest time and funds into a structure that doesn't even expand your tech tree, so you may just let units die in the mid-game.
    6. Minor addendums like The Commander's Challenge and World Conquest raise the amount of playtime you can get from the base game

    Those were the general improvements, now to more specifics:

    1. Red Alert 3 vs Red Alert 2:

    1.1) all units have abilities, including collectors, making each unit more important + raising dat skill ceiling, rewarding smart players

    1.2) little things like Hammer Tanks stealing enemy weaponry once again reward a SpecOps approach, where you value a small elite group of units and in a way let you come back from an economic disadvantage not only using unit composition

    1.3) it feels like (and I need to preface this with the fact that I don't have much experience with multiplayer RA2) there are more harass options on all stages of the game (again I may very well be wrong on this point)

    2) Kane's Wrath vs Firestorm:

    2.0) Come on, one of them has f*ing Kane in the name and the other doesn't

    2.1) More factions = More fun (provided they are remotely balanced, which they seem to be)

    2.2) Upgrades exist, allowing for mid-game units to remain viable in late-game (Predators with Railguns) or to lock certain strategies behind a pay+time wall, allowing for better balancing of units and rewarding committed game-planning (they do sometimes pose a problem, when you cannot transition out of a specific gameplan)

    2.3) Epic units (MARV, Redeemer, Eradicator Hexapod) give a base-leveling force as well as a massive target for the enemy to focus on, thus rewarding game planning (as these things are very expensive) and micro when you try to keep them alive

    Not sure if this was convincing, maybe one person changed their mind on EA Command & Conquer titles. But I am sure a bunch of people can point out where I went wrong, so "Let loose the Allied fury".

    submitted by /u/arturets
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    Dune 2000: Atreides - Introduction

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 12:22 PM PST

    Worst units in Red Alert 2 (part 2)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 09:11 AM PST

    Which C&C Title has the best most full featured Editor?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 10:40 AM PST

    I want to create custom scenarios with scripted AI waves etc. Which C&C title best supports this? Also out of all the titles which editor is the most polished, full featured and free of bugs?

    submitted by /u/Forgword
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    Rise up fellow weebs! We got TS Visual Novel now.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:46 AM PST

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