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    Monday, August 31, 2020

    Command & Conquer precious cargo

    Command & Conquer precious cargo

    precious cargo

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:43 AM PDT

    Battle Bus

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 06:58 PM PDT

    Youtube Channel dedicated to Red Alert Remastered

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    where can i buy a digital copy of c&c renegade by itself

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    They will send a clear message!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:17 PM PDT

    Did.......did i win?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    I made a video of the red alert 3 mod (Generals 2). where I test the USA navy as the original game didn't have any navy (some zero hours have navy but it doesn't work well) so here I tried to play it. tell me what you think.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    Tiberium in real life

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    About (Input-)lag, Client & Server and Lag compensation.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:51 AM PDT

    I wouldn't claim myself an expert on the so called "netcode" of command & conquer but here's what I observed, what I don't understand and what I would like to see changed.

    What I observed:

    In classic Red Alert, selecting units, microing units and doing attack orders are client side actions.

    Meaning you'll get the selection frame on units the moment you select them and not when the server finally notices you selected them.

    Same for microing and attacking. You order your unit to a specific cell or unit and it will instantly respond. It will not instantly go off because that again is a serverside action, but getting instant feedback is absolutely key in any competitive game.

    Also even on higher ping times, your tanks are going to attack the unit that you have your units ordered to no matter if 20ms or 540ms ping.

    On the other hand building a unit is a serverside action. The moment you click the rifleman, you can see the delay between the click and the building clock ticking.

    In the remaster tho, building a unit is instant. I don't know if it really is, but at least the UI seems to respond instantly. I can't feel any lag there.

    But on the other hand, every other click you do in the remaster seems to be a serverside action. If you have a 200ms ping (which doesn't seem to be that far off the average for some people) You can order one of your tanks to attack an enemy tank, but if that enemy tank is moving and not on the cell it originally was when you targeted it, your tank will simply move to that cell, not attacking anything. This renders the game literally unplayable for the guy that has to connect to the far away server.

    Also lag: In classic RA, every player in the server was seeing the exact same in terms of lag. If one player slows the game down, everybody else was slowed down aswell by the same amount. But the overlay in the remaster seems to be causing a lot of issues with this. Matches where one player can play completely fine without any speed decrease or stutter, while the other is basically playing on 1 fps or has massive input lag ar far from a rarity. I've observed this is even way worse on low end hardware.

    What I don't understand:

    What exactly was the reason to play around with these mechanics? Why is classic RA so much different from the remaster in terms of network functionality? I'd rather have the delay in the UI like in classic RA than in pretty much any action I request like in the remaster. Is this some kind of anticheat? If so, is this really necessary? I haven't seen a single cheater in any cnc in my life. If not, is there a way of reverting this to work like it did before?

    What I would like to see changed:

    Again, I'm no expert, but as far as I know there would be two solutions to combat this problem.

    The first one would be input/client prediction and the second one would be lag compensation.

    Iirc, input prediction was introduced in the early days of the first counter strike. Because in the first days of CS any input you did was only shown on your screen when the server responded - be it mouse swiping, clicking or key presses. Input prediction made these actions a client side thing so your client "predicts" your actions before the server knows about them. Today this is absolutely standard in any online game and nobody could live without it. It seemed to be there in Classic RA and seems to be gone in the remaster. Why?

    Lag compensation is also mostly used in first person shooters. It calculates back if you actually got a hit or not on a moving target while playing with a high ping. Like let's say you're shooting a moving target but your ping is 300ms. If that target is not in your crosshair 300ms in the future, you'll miss. This is where lag comp comes into play, calculates back where you shot 300ms ago and where your target was 300ms ago, actually giving you the hit. If making client side actions or input prediction is for some reason not possible, we at least need lag compensation. Because lag compensation would calculate back where that enemy tank was 300ms ago and would make your tank follow that order to attack this tank and not simply drive to the cell that enemy tank was on the moment you clicked it.

    Honestly, I don't keep my hopes up for Petroglyph to look into this as I'm aware the game is probably not big enough to justify the work that would have to get into this as networking is one of the more complex things when it comes to game developement. But the probem seems to get worse overtime and I'm more and more affected. Watching the stream of AZestyM is literally the best example, the way the game runs for him most of the time is simply put unacceptable.

    /u/EA_Jimtern is there a chance you can shed some light onto this topic? What can or can't be done? Why things are the way they are (why were they changed) and what we as the players can do to improve our gaming experience without flying to america when we play an american player?

    It's also pretty obvious that the remastered graphics are an overlay running over the base game. This is probably also how the switch between legacy and modern graphics work at all. Why can you not play the multiplayer on legacy mode? I'm aware the switch on the fly would break things in MP matches, but why isn't it possible to choose when booting the game? This would also allow users of lower end hardware to play the game.

    submitted by /u/GodMeyo
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    Here's why RA 2 and Tiberian campaigns sucked (REMASTERS HINTS JIM WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:34 AM PDT

    Both these game were amazing but had one fatal flaw that basically nullified all the good work of the developers.

    The Campaign enemy AI was THE WORSE.

    I played both games on the Hardest difficulty available and back then, I was just an ignorant kid.

    Here's what I remembered:

    1) Tiberian Sun

    Basically I remember it being a very relaxed SimCity. I cannot even remember if the enemy actually attacked you, but if it did , the attack waves were pathetic. I thought my copy was broken but had no internet back then to ask to anyone.

    2) Red Alert 2

    AI actually attacked you, I remember that. On the final missions it actually sent some scripted decent attack waves (I remember the Kirovs!), but for the rest of the campaigns it was pathetic, attacks were rare and non-threatening. Skirmish? I remember the AI sent like 4 tanks per waves. Pathetic.

    What needs to be done? Nothing fancy or difficult.

    C&C doesn't need an almighty neural AI, it needs an AI capable of doing this:

    1) Build THREATENING numbers of units

    2) Attack move to my base

    This was the reason this recent remaster was successful. Both Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert 1 were capable of assembling decent attack teams and send them to my base.

    I expect the future remasters to be able to so, even more than some fancy visual lifting.

    submitted by /u/Azathoth_77
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    Planning to buy CnC The Ultimate Collection on Origin. Are the servers still going on?

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    Is it still worth the full price? Or should I wait on a sale?

    submitted by /u/siensith
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    C & C Remastered - Covert Operations - Hostile Takeover (Hard)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    I usually main human races in RTS games

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    Human in WC3
    Terran in Starcraft
    but exceptionally I play communists in Red Alert 3

    submitted by /u/wc3betterthansc2
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    C&C Flashbacks During Documentaries

    Posted: 30 Aug 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    Hi C&C fam.

    I grew up on Westwood's games (started with Dune 2000) and played through the Generals Era.

    Has anyone noticed the Generals soundtrack shows up in documentaries and commercials? I have heard it a few times before - one of the China battle tracks was on a volcano doc - but usually kind of dismiss it as "oh, probably just similar" and forget about it.

    Tonight I am watching "Lost Cities with Albert Lin" on Didny+ (S1:E1 Fortress of the Knights Templar at 31:30) and hear a really familiar vocalization. I finally pause the show and pull up youtube. It is definitely "GLA theme 3" from Generals.

    Generals has always been one of my favorite "atmospheric" soundtracks and it is great they are still getting use out of an almost 20 year old track. I don't know if I have ever encountered recycled video game music from other games besides Generals.

    Anyone else notice this?

    submitted by /u/GreyhoundOne
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